An exploration of the mechanism by which anesthetics act requires
knowledge of the relative anesthetic potencies for each of the agents. The best
estimate of anesthetic potency is the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) (at 1
atm) of an agent that produces immobility in 50% of subjects exposed to a noxious
For determination of the MAC in humans,
the stimulus is a surgical skin incision. (Variations on the MAC concept may be
used to estimate the potency of other anesthetic end points. For example, lack of
response to verbal command [i.e., MAC awake] occurs at lower anesthetic concentrations,
and lack of response to endotracheal intubation [i.e., MAC intubation] occurs at
higher anesthetic concentrations than those needed to prevent movement to surgical
skin incision [see Chapter 31
In animals, the noxious stimulus is usually produced by clamping the tail or by
passing electrical current through subcutaneous electrodes. The advantage of measuring
the alveolar concentration is that, after a short period of equilibration, this concentration
directly represents the partial pressure of anesthetic in the central nervous system
(CNS) and is independent of the uptake and distribution of the agent to other tissues
(see Chapter 5
and Chapter
). Another advantage of MAC is its consistency for a given animal or
species or between different species or classes of animals.[5]
This consistency makes it possible to discern
small changes in anesthetic requirement, which may give a clue about how anesthetics
The anesthetic concentration that abolishes the righting reflex
in 50% of the animals is often used to measure anesthetic potencies in smaller animals;
it is an anesthetic with a 50% effective dose (ED50
). Because the inspired
rather than the alveolar concentrations are measured, the method applies best to
rapidly equilibrating (poorly blood-soluble) agents. Only with equilibration can
it be assumed that the partial pressure of the inspired gas equals that at the site
of action. The use of small animals and inspired concentrations facilitates work
with agents at very high pressures (i.e., tens or hundreds of atmospheres). The
anesthetic ED50
in the mouse, as determined by the rolling response (i.e.,
the righting reflex), correlates closely with the MAC in humans over a 500-fold change
in anesthetic requirements ( Fig. 4-2
The tail-clamp ED50
(MAC) and the righting-reflex ED50
are not identical. The tail-clamp ED50
is higher than the righting-reflex
, and the ratio of these measurements averages approximately 2 ( Table
). This ratio varies slightly with the anesthetic examined, implying
that the righting reflex is depressed, at least in part, by a different mechanism
from that which depresses the response to a noxious stimulus.[7]
An important action of inhaled anesthetics is the ability to suppress
learning and memory. In humans, volatile anesthetic concentrations equivalent to
approximately 0.3 MAC are required to suppress learning of auditory or verbal information
during nonsurgical conditions. In an animal model, the concentration of volatile
anesthetic to suppress learning in rats depends on the conditioned stimulus employed
and varies between about 0.2 and 0.6 MAC.[10]
absolute and relative potencies of inhaled anesthetics depend on the end point measured.
Figure 4-2
A close correlation exists between the minimum alveolar
concentration (MAC) of various anesthetics, preventing a response to surgical incision
in humans, and the inspired dose of an anesthetic (ED50
) required to abolish
the righting reflex in the mouse. (Data from references [5]
and from
Eger EI II, Rutherford, NJ: Desflurane: A Compendium and Reference. Healthpress
Publishing Group, 1993, p 13.)
TABLE 4-1 -- Ratios of anesthetic potencies: tail-clamp ED50
Anesthetic |
Mouse |
Rat |
Halothane |
1.67 |
1.74 |
Sevoflurane |
2.71 |
— |
Enflurane |
1.91 |
— |
Isoflurane |
2.10 |
2.41 |
Desflurane |
1.78 |
1.58–2.89 |
Chloroform |
1.61 |
— |
Cyclopropane |
1.97 |
— |
Nitrous oxide |
1.82 |
— |
Methoxyflurane |
1.63–2.08 |
— |
Diethyl ether |
— |
1.25 |
Data from references [4]
and from
Eger EI II, Rutherford, NJ: Desflurane: A Compendium and Reference. Healthpress
Publishing Group, 1993, p 13. |