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Severe Renal Disease (also see Chapter 56 )

Renal failure influences the pharmacology of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers by producing either decreased elimination of the drug or its metabolites via the kidney or decreased activity of butyrylcholinesterase ( Table 13-14 ). Consequently, the duration of action of neuromuscular blockers may be prolonged in patients with renal failure. An early example of prolonged neuromuscular blockade as a result of renal failure was a case of postoperative respiratory failure after gallamine, reported in 1950.[710]

Renal failure does not alter the sensitivity (dose-response relationship) of patients to the neuromuscular blocking action of gallamine,[347] dTc,[711] pancuronium,[234] atracurium,[712] vecuronium,[713] rocuronium,[714] or mivacurium,[715] but it does cause resistance to metocurine.[345]

Gallamine[347] and metocurine, [345] which rely almost exclusively on the kidney for their elimination, have reduced plasma clearance and potentially a very long duration of action in patients with renal failure (see Table 13-14 ). Pancuronium and dTc are eliminated predominantly by the kidney, and renal failure is associated with reduced plasma clearance and an increased elimination half-life for these drugs as well.[190] [716] As a consequence of these pharmacokinetic changes, the duration of neuromuscular blockade produced by these drugs is longer and more variable than in patients with normal renal function.[716] In patients with renal failure, doxacurium has decreased plasma clearance, an increased elimination half-life, and a prolonged duration of action.[346] [717] Pipecuronium is eliminated predominantly by the kidney.[293] Its plasma clearance is decreased by one third, and its elimination half-life is increased twofold in patients with renal failure.[298] Because of the potential for prolonged block and the availability of intermediate- and short-acting neuromuscular blockers, there is no longer any reason to recommend the use of long-acting neuromuscular blockers in patients with renal failure.

The pharmacokinetics and duration of action of atracurium are unaffected by renal failure.[705] [718] [719] This lack of effect is due in part to the fact that Hofmann elimination and ester hydrolysis[340] account for 50% of its total clearance.[326] The elimination half-life of laudanosine, the principal metabolite of atracurium, increases in renal failure.[705] [720] Recent evidence suggests, however, that significant concentrations of laudanosine are not achieved during the administration of atracurium in the operating room setting. [705] [720]

In patients with chronic renal failure, the duration of action of cisatracurium is not prolonged.[257] Hofmann elimination accounts for 77% of the total clearance of cisatracurium,[342] and renal excretion accounts for 16% of its elimination.[342] Clearance of the drug is slightly decreased by 13% in this patient population.[721]

Vecuronium relies principally on hepatic, not renal mechanisms for its elimination.[303] [707] However, its


TABLE 13-14 -- Pharmacokinetics of neuromuscular blocking drugs in patients with normal renal function or renal failure

Plasma Clearance (mL/kg/min) Volume of Distribution (mL/kg) Elimination Half-Life (min)

Normal Function Renal Failure Normal Function Renal Failure Normal Function Renal Failure Reference
Short-Acting Drugs
Mivacurium isomers

  Cis-trans 106 80 278 475 2.0 4.3
  Trans-trans 57 48 211 270 2.3 4.3
  Cis-cis 3.8 2.4 * 227 244 68 80
Intermediate-Acting Drugs
Atracurium 6.1 6.7 182 224 21 24 [348]

5.5 5.8 153 141 19 20 [349] *

10.9 7.8 280 265 17.3 19.7 [705]
Cisatracurium 5.2 31 [342]
Vecuronium 3.0 2.5 194 239 78 97 [706]

3.2 2.6 510 471 117 149 [707]

3.6 4.5 242 347 51 68 [708]

5.3 3.1 * 199 241 53 83 * [709]
Rocuronium 2.9 2.9 207 264 * 71 97 * [352]
Long-Acting Drugs
d-Tubocurarine 2.4 1.5 250 250 84 132 [224]
Metocurine 1.2 0.4 * 472 353 300 684 * [345]
Doxacurium 2.7 1.2 * 220 270 99 221 * [346]
Pancuronium 74 20 * 148 236 * 97 475 * [233]

1.7 0.9 261 296 * 132 257 * [295]
Pipecuronium 2.4 1.6 * 309 442 * 137 263 * [298]
Gallamine 1.20 0.24 * 240 280 132 750 * [347]
*Significant difference between normal renal function and renal failure.
†Values expressed as milliliters per minute, not weight adjusted.

clearance is reduced and its elimination half-life is increased in patients with renal failure.[
706] [708] [709] In one study, the duration of action of vecuronium, 0.1 mg/kg, was both longer and more variable in patients with renal failure than in those with normal renal function.[709] In three other studies, the duration of action of 0.05 to 0.14 mg/kg vecuronium was not prolonged by renal failure, but this result was probably due to the use of relatively small doses or inadequate sample sizes.[303] [706] [708] The principal metabolite of vecuronium, 3-desacetylvecuronium, has 80% of the neuromuscular blocking activity of vecuronium[302] ; it may cause prolonged paralysis in patients with renal failure in the ICU.[305] [722] In patients with renal failure, the duration of action and rate of recovery from vecuronium- or atracurium-induced neuromuscular blockade during surgery are similar.[549] [723] [724]

The plasma clearance of rocuronium may be decreased in patients with renal failure[725] and its distribution volume increased.[352] The duration of action of single and repeated doses, though, is not significantly affected.[714] When rocuronium is administered to patients with renal failure who are undergoing renal transplantation versus patients with normal renal function, plasma clearance is unchanged (2.89 mL/kg/min), the volume of distribution is increased by 28%, and the elimination half-life is lengthened by 37% (see Fig. 13-17 ).[352] [726]

The effect of renal failure on the duration of action and recovery from mivacurium-induced blockade is variable. In some studies, renal failure had no effect,[228] whereas in others, the duration of action and recovery were prolonged and the infusion dose requirements were decreased by renal failure.[727] The effect of renal failure on mivacurium's duration of action is most probably mediated through its effect on butyrylcholinesterase. Renal failure can decrease butyrylcholinesterase activity, [728] and this decrease would be expected to prolong the duration of mivacurium-induced neuromuscular blockade.[320] [729] Clearance of the cis-trans and trans-trans isomers of mivacurium is decreased by approximately 20% in those with renal failure.[314] In the studies in which renal failure had no effect on mivacurium's duration of action, butyrylcholinesterase activity was similar in patients with and without renal failure.[228] In contrast, when patients with renal failure had decreased butyrylcholinesterase activity, the duration of action of mivacurium was longer.[318] [727] Because a patient's butyrylcholinesterase

activity is not known preoperatively, when mivacurium is used in patients with renal failure, doses should be conservative, and its effect should be carefully monitored.

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