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Obese Patients

Reports are conflicting concerning the effect of obesity on the pharmacodynamics of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade.[698] [699] [700] Although the duration of action of pancuronium is unaffected by patient weight,[700] obese patients recover more slowly from doxacurium-,[701] vecuronium-,[702] or rocuronium-induced[703] neuromuscular blockade. These findings imply that elimination of these drugs is decreased. Recovery from atracurium-induced neuromuscular blockade is not affected by obesity,[702] which is most likely secondary to its lack of dependence on end-organ function for elimination.

Neuromuscular blockers should be dosed in obese patients on the basis of about 20% more than lean body mass rather than on actual body weight[704] to ensure that these patients are not receiving relative overdoses.

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