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Diastolic Function

Definitions of heart failure based solely on contractile dysfunction have been rendered inadequate by the recognition that LV function during diastole significantly influences overall cardiac performance. The heart serves dual roles, propelling blood into the high-pressure arterial vasculature during systole and collecting blood from the low-pressure venous circulation during diastole. Heart failure may occur from impaired contractility or from altered LV diastolic function. The timing, rate, and extent of LV filling are determined by several major factors, including the rate and degree of myocardial relaxation, the intrinsic mechanical properties of the left ventricle itself and those imposed by external constraints, and the structure and function of the left atrium, the pulmonary venous circulation, and the mitral valve.[110] Although abnormalities in LV diastolic function may be linked to decreases in myocardial contractility, heart failure may result from primary diastolic dysfunction in the absence of or before the appearance of alterations in LV systolic function[111] [112] [113] in a variety of pathologic conditions, including ischemic heart disease, pressure- or volume-overload hypertrophy, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, and restrictive disease processes.[114] [115]

The effects of volatile anesthetics on diastolic function in the normal and diseased heart have been incompletely studied. Volatile agents produce dose-related prolongation of isovolumic relaxation in vivo ( Fig. 7-5 ).[47] [116] [117] [118] This delay of isovolumic relaxation may be associated with declines in early LV filling [27] [30] [32] [47] but probably is not of sufficient magnitude to affect LV chamber stiffness. The

Figure 7-5 Effects of desflurane, isoflurane, and halothane on the time constant of isovolumic relaxation (T0 ). *, Significantly (P < .05) different from control; †, significantly (P < .05) different from 1.0 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC). (Adapted from Pagel PS, Grossman W, Haering JM, Warltier DC: Left ventricular diastolic function in the normal and diseased heart: Perspectives for the anesthesiologist. Anesthesiology 79[Pt 1]:836–854, 1993.)

significance of anesthetic-induced delays in isovolumic relaxation to early coronary blood flow has not been thoroughly investigated, but coronary blood flow is highest during this phase of diastole, and delays in relaxation lead to impairment of flow during halothane anesthesia.[116] Prolongation of LV relaxation probably occurs as a result of simultaneous depression of myocardial contractility and not because of a direct negative lusitropic effect.[119] Isoflurane, enflurane, and halothane modestly enhance isotonic relaxation of isolated ferret myocardium in vitro.[120]

Volatile anesthetics cause concentration-related decreases in the rate and extent of early LV filling concomitant with negative inotropic effects. Isoflurane and halothane also reduce LV filling associated with atrial systole. [30] Isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane do not alter invasively derived indices of regional myocardial or chamber stiffness, indicating that LV distensibility is unaffected by these volatile agents ( Fig. 7-6 ).[47] [118] Although some indirect evidence suggests that halothane affects LV compliance,[121] [122] [123] later studies[17] [118] [124] using invasively derived measures of LV passive elasticity and myocardial stiffness indicate that this is not the case. Halothane increases LV end-diastolic pressure, indicating that the left ventricle operates on a steeper, less compliant region of the LV end-diastolic pressure-volume relationship; however, this volatile agent does not directly alter the intrinsic viscoelastic properties of the myocardium.[1]

The effects of isoflurane and halothane on LV diastolic function in a canine model of dilated cardiomyopathy have been described.[65] In contrast to the findings in dogs with normal LV function, isoflurane improved several indices of LV relaxation and filling in cardiomyopathic dogs despite producing simultaneous negative inotropic effects. Halothane did not exacerbate preexisting diastolic dysfunction inherent to this experimental model.


Figure 7-6 Left ventricular (LV) diastolic transmural pressure versus Lagrangian strain relationships in conscious (squares) and halothane-anesthetized (triangles) dogs. The pressure-strain relationship was not altered by halothane anesthesia, indicating that this volatile anesthetic does not affect intrinsic myocardial stiffness. α, Gain; β, modulus of myocardial stiffness. (Adapted from Van Trigt P, Christian CC, Fagraeus L, et al: The mechanism of halothane-induced myocardial depression: Altered diastolic mechanics versus impaired contractility. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 85:832–838, 1983.)

The findings with isoflurane and halothane were most likely related to favorable reductions in LV preload produced by these volatile agents and not caused by direct positive lusitropic effects.[65] These data further suggest that isoflurane-induced improvements of LV isovolumic relaxation and filling dynamics may contribute to relative maintenance of cardiac output in the presence of LV dysfunction despite simultaneous reductions in contractility.[65] The findings in cardiomyopathic dogs supported earlier clinical observations[62] [64] reporting that patients with severe ischemic heart disease or congestive heart failure tolerated isoflurane or halothane anesthesia without acute hemodynamic decompensation.

Some investigations have demonstrated that the afterload dependence of LV relaxation is markedly enhanced in failing myocardium.[125] [126] This observation has important clinical consequences because afterload reduction may increase LV systolic performance by decreasing impedance to LV ejection and may increase the rate of LV relaxation and therefore contribute to improvements in LV diastolic filling and compliance.[127] The effects of isoflurane and halothane on the afterload dependence of LV relaxation have been explored in dogs before and after the development of rapid LV pacing-induced cardiomyopathy.[66] The afterload dependence of LV relaxation was unaffected by isoflurane and halothane anesthesia in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy ( Fig. 7-7 ), further indicating that these

Figure 7-7 Linear relationship between the time constant of isovolumic relaxation (τ) and left ventricular end-systolic pressure (Pes ) during inferior vena caval occlusion (left panels) in a typical dog before (red squares) and after (black squares) the development of pacing-induced cardiomyopathy in the conscious state and during isoflurane and halothane anesthesia. The histograms illustrate the slope (R) of the τ versus Pes relationship in the conscious state (top right panel) and during isoflurane (middle right panel) and halothane (bottom right panel) anesthesia before (red bars) and after (black bars) pacing. a, Significantly (P < .05) different from normal myocardium. (Adapted from Pagel PS, Hettrick DA, Kersten JR, et al: Isoflurane and halothane do not alter the enhanced afterload sensitivity of left ventricular relaxation in dogs with pacing-induced cardiomyopathy. Anesthesiology 87:952–962, 1997.)

volatile agents do not exert direct actions on LV isovolumic relaxation in failing myocardium.

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