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Cellular Mechanisms of Myocardial Depression

Volatile anesthetics depress myocardial contractility through alterations of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis at several subcellular targets in the normal cardiac myocyte.[67] [68] Volatile agents cause dose-related inhibition of the transsarcolemmal Ca2+ transient[69] [70] by affecting L- and T-type Ca2+ channels.[69] [71] [72] [73] Isoflurane causes less pronounced reductions in the intracellular Ca2+ transient than does halothane or enflurane,[69] although this contention remains somewhat controversial when equi-anesthetic concentrations of these agents are considered.[74] [75] The structural conformation and functional integrity of the voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel are directly altered by volatile anesthetics, as indicated by attenuated binding of the dihydropyridine and phenylalkylamine Ca2+ channel blockers nitrendipine[76] [77] and galopamil,[78] respectively. The partial inhibition of Ca2+ influx through sarcolemmal Ca2+ channels has several important consequences, including declines in the availability of Ca2+ for contractile activation, depression of Ca2+ -dependent Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), and reduction of the amount of Ca2+ that can be subsequently stored in the SR.[75] [79] [80] [81] [82] Halothane and enflurane,[80] [82] but not isoflurane,[82] [83] [84] also stimulate Ca2+ release from the SR, a caffeine-like action that may cause transient, modest increases that precede subsequent, more profound reductions in contractility.[80] [85] [86] Unlike isoflurane, halothane and enflurane directly activate ryanodine-sensitive SR Ca2+ release channels,[87] [88] thereby reducing SR Ca2+ storage. Volatile anesthetics also provoke a nonspecific leak of Ca2+ from the SR,[89] [90] contributing to further decreases in accumulation of Ca2+ available for release during contraction. When combined with decreases in transsarcolemmal Ca2+ flux, these alterations in SR function represent important mechanisms by which halothane and enflurane depress the intracellular Ca2+ transient and reduce myocardial contractility to a greater extent than equianesthetic concentrations of isoflurane.[69] However, later data suggest that volatile anesthetics inhibit Ca2+ transport from the cell through the sarcolemmal Ca2+ ATPase.[91] This action may serve to partially offset reductions in SR Ca2+ stores. The partial preservation of the myocardial positive frequency staircase effect observed with isoflurane at physiologic excitation rates in vitro[75] [92] may also be attributed to the relative maintenance of SR function by this volatile agent, in contrast to halothane and enflurane.

Evidence indicates that volatile anesthetics may also depress contractile function by inhibiting Na+ -Ca2+ exchange and reducing intracellular Ca2+ concentration independent of the voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel in vitro.[93] [94] [95] This effect may be particularly important in neonatal myocardium[93] because this tissue has been shown to be more sensitive to the negative inotropic actions of volatile anesthetics than is adult myocardium.[96] However, the relative contribution of Na+ -Ca2+ exchanger inhibition

to anesthetic-induced depression of myocardial contractility in the intact heart has yet to be defined. Halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane may also exert direct effects on the contractile apparatus and the sensitivity of the myofilaments to activator Ca2+ . Volatile anesthetics decrease tension development of skinned cardiac myofibrils[97] [98] [99] and directly reduce myofibrillar ATPase activity, [100] [101] actions that may contribute to declines in actin-myosin cross-bridge kinetics during contraction. [102] [103] Volatile anesthetics do not affect[104] or may decrease[105] the troponin C (TnC) affinity for Ca2+ , suggesting that myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity is not altered[106] [107] or is modestly reduced,[69] [107] respectively, by these agents. Nevertheless, although volatile anesthetic-induced reductions in myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity have been implicated in some studies,[69] [107] [108] this mechanism probably plays a relatively minor role in the negative inotropic effects of these agents at clinically relevant concentrations in vivo.[68]

The cellular mechanisms responsible for volatile anesthetic-induced depression of myocardial contractility in failing myocardium have not been extensively studied. It is likely that alterations of intracellular Ca2+ regulation produced by volatile anesthetics in normal myocardium also occur at similar subcellular targets in failing myocardium. Profound abnormalities in intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis are characteristic features of failing myocardium,[109] and it is likely that volatile anesthetics cause further reductions in contractile function by producing additive or synergistic effects on Ca2+ metabolism.

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