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Left Atrial Pressure, Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure, and Pulmonary Capillary Pressure

Direct left atrial pressure monitoring is usually restricted to patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The most common technique for monitoring left atrial pressure involves catheterization of the left atrium with a thin catheter introduced through the right superior pulmonary vein and secured with a purse-string suture. The catheter is brought out through the skin beneath the xiphoid process and attached to a closed pressure monitoring tubing-transducer system. Because left atrial monitoring is discontinued in the postoperative period simply by withdrawing the left atrial catheter through the skin, trans-septal methods for monitoring left atrial pressure during surgery have been proposed to reduce the risk of bleeding after catheter removal.[432] [433] Left atrial pressure measurement has also been performed for diagnostic cardiac catheterization by a retrograde arterial approach, trans-septal venous catheterization, and even percutaneous direct left atrial puncture from a right paravertebral insertion site.[434]

Today, direct left atrial pressure monitoring has largely been supplanted by PAC monitoring. This has occurred, no doubt, because the PAC simultaneously provides an estimation of left ventricular filling pressure as well as additional useful monitoring information, including CVP and cardiac output. Although some authors have shown modest discrepancies between left atrial pressure and PAWP in the period immediately after cardiopulmonary bypass, wedge pressure generally provides an excellent estimate of left atrial pressure in postoperative cardiac surgical patients.[426] [435] [436] However, a host of pathophysiologic conditions can alter the relationships

between pulmonary artery diastolic, wedge, and left atrial pressure, and these conditions must be recognized to avoid misinterpretation of the data provided by these monitors (see later).

Direct left atrial pressure monitoring continues to be particularly useful in pediatric patients undergoing complex congenital heart surgery because of the difficulty of using some of the standard percutaneous techniques in this patient population. Gold and coauthors reported the use of more than 6000 transthoracic left atrial and right atrial pressure monitoring catheters, with complications from left-sided monitoring occurring in only 0.68% of 2393 catheters.[437] However, direct access to the left heart chambers always carries the risk of air and particulate embolization to the systemic circulation and thus requires close attention to proper management by the entire team of caregivers to ensure that line patency is maintained and flushing is performed with care.

The most common complication of direct left atrial pressure monitoring actually results from catheter removal. Because of the risk of bleeding from the cardiac site of catheter entry, the left atrial catheter must be removed before the mediastinal portion of the chest drains, and if the catheter cannot be withdrawn through the skin, surgical re-exploration is needed. Other rare complications of left atrial pressure monitoring include entrapment of the catheter in mechanical aortic or mitral valve prostheses,[437] [438] fistula formation between the right superior pulmonary vein and the right main stem bronchus,[439] and unrecognized retained catheter fragments that serve as a source of systemic embolization.[440]

Normal left atrial pressure waveforms resemble CVP or right atrial pressure waveforms, although there are a few subtle morphologic distinctions. Because atrial depolarization originates in the sinoatrial node located at the junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium, the right-sided a wave appears slightly earlier than the left-sided a wave ( Fig. 32-35 ). Although the a wave is the most prominent pressure peak in a normal CVP trace, the v wave is often taller than the a wave in a normal left

Figure 32-35 Normal temporal relationships between the electrocardiographic, central venous pressure (CVP), and left atrial pressure (LAP) traces. The LAP and CVP waveforms have nearly identical morphologies, although the CVP a wave slightly precedes the LAP a wave. (Redrawn from Mark JB: Atlas of Cardiovascular Monitoring. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1998, Fig. 2-9.)

atrial pressure waveform, thus suggesting that right atrial contraction is generally more forceful than left atrial contraction and that the left atrium is less distensible than the right atrium during passive systolic filling.[136] Finally, the interval between right atrial contraction and right ventricular contraction is longer by approximately 40 milliseconds than the interval between left atrial contraction and left ventricular contraction.[136] Consequently, a and c waves are seen more often as separate waves in a right atrial pressure trace than in a left atrial pressure trace. In normal left atrial pressure waveforms, the a and c waves merge into a composite a-c wave, although most clinicians simply describe this pressure peak as the a wave. Similarly, the PAWP waveform generally displays only a and v waves because the wedge pressure c wave is obscured further as a result of the damping effect of the lung vasculature on the transmitted left atrial pressure waves.

The terms pulmonary artery wedge pressure and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure are used interchangeably and refer to the same measurement obtained from the tip of a PAC after balloon inflation and flotation to the wedged position. As already discussed, this pressure provides an indirect estimate of mean left atrial pressure. In contrast, the hydrostatic pressure in the pulmonary capillaries that drives edema formation according to the Starling equation is a different pressure that must exceed left atrial pressure to maintain antegrade blood flow through the lungs. This pulmonary capillary pressure must not be confused with wedge pressure or left atrial pressure, nor should these terms be used interchangeably.[441] Continued use of the phrase "pulmonary capillary wedge pressure" rather than pulmonary artery wedge pressure or occlusion pressure has perpetuated misconceptions about these measurements. Although the magnitude of the difference between pulmonary capillary pressure and wedge pressure is generally small, it can increase markedly when resistance to flow in the pulmonary veins is elevated.[442] In most situations, the major component of pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) occurs at the precapillary, pulmonary arteriolar level. However, rare conditions such as pulmonary veno-occlusive disease may cause a marked increase in postcapillary resistance to flow within the pulmonary veins. A similar situation arises in other conditions that disproportionately increase pulmonary venous resistance, such as central nervous system injury, acute lung injury, hypovolemic shock, endotoxemia, and norepinephrine infusion.[441] [443] Under these conditions, measurement of wedge pressure will underestimate pulmonary capillary pressure substantially and thereby underestimate the risk of hydrostatic pulmonary edema. Although pulmonary capillary pressure can be measured at the bedside by analyzing the decay in the PAP trace after inflation of the PAC balloon, these techniques have not been widely adopted in clinical practice.[444] [445] [446] [447] [448] [449] To avoid confusion, the phrase "pulmonary capillary wedge pressure" should be abandoned because it is imprecise and misleading.

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