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Direct Effect Models

Just as shown for plasma pharmacokinetics earlier, the biophase concentration is the convolution of an input function (in this case, the plasma drug concentration over time) and the disposition function of the biophase. This relationship can be expressed as

Cbiophase (t) = Cplasma (t) * Dbiophase (t) (6)

The disposition function of the biophase is typically modeled as a single exponential decay:

Dbiophase (t) = ke0 e−ke0 t (7)

The monoexponential disposition function implies that the effect site is simply an additional compartment in the standard compartmental model that is connected to the plasma compartment (see Fig. 12-5 ). The effect site is the hypothetical compartment that relates the time course of plasma drug concentration to the time course of drug effect, and ke0 is the rate constant of drug elimination from the effect site. By definition, the effect compartment receives such tiny amounts of drug from the central compartment that it has no influence on plasma pharmacokinetics.

We cannot directly measure either Cbiophase (t) or Dbiophase (t), but we can measure drug effect. Knowing that the observed drug effect is a function of the drug concentration in the biophase, we can predict the drug effect as

Effect = fPD [Cplasma (t) * Dbiophase (t), PPD , ke0 ] (8)

where fPD is a pharmacodynamic model (typically sigmoidal in shape), PPD is the parameters of the pharmacodynamic model, and ke0 is the rate constant for equilibration between plasma and the biophase. Nonlinear regression programs are used to find values of PPD and ke0 that best predict the time course of drug effect. Knowledge of these parameters can then be incorporated into dosing regimens that produce the desired time course of drug effect.[30] [31]

If a constant plasma concentration is maintained, the time required for the biophase concentration to reach 50% of the plasma concentration (t½ ke0 ) can be calculated as 0.693/ke0 . After a bolus dose, the time to peak biophase concentration is a function of both plasma pharmacokinetics and ke0 . For drugs with a very rapid decline in plasma concentration after a bolus (e.g., adenosine, which has a half-life of several seconds), the effect-site concentration peaks within several seconds of the bolus, regardless of the ke0 value. For drugs with a rapid ke0 and a slow decrease in concentration after a bolus injection (e.g., pancuronium), the peak effect-site concentration is determined more by ke0 than by plasma pharmacokinetics. The time to peak effect and the t½ ke0 for several intravenous anesthetics are listed in Table 12-1 .

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