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Indirect Effect Models

Thus far we have been talking about effects that are an instantaneous function of drug concentration at the site of drug effect, as implied by Equation 8. For example, once hypnotics reach the brain or muscle relaxants reach the muscles, the effect is almost instantaneous. Some effects are much more complex. For example, consider the effect of opioids on ventilation. Initially, opioids depress ventilation. As a result of this ventilatory depression, CO2 accumulates. The accumulation in CO2 acts to stimulate ventilation, thus partly offsetting the ventilatory depressant effects of opioids. Ventilatory depression is an example in which a direct and an indirect drug effect occurs. The direct effect of the opioid is to depress ventilation, and the indirect effect is to increase CO2 . Modeling the time course of opioid-induced ventilatory depression requires consideration of both components. Bouillon and colleagues developed a model of ventilatory depression that incorporates both direct and indirect effects.[32] [33] As is generally the case with indirect effect
TABLE 12-1 -- Time to peak effect and t½ ke0 after a bolus dose
Drug Time to Peak Drug Effect (min) t½ ke0 (min)
Fentanyl 3.6 4.7
Alfentanil 1.4 0.9
Sufentanil 5.6 3.0
Remifentanil 1.6 1.3
Propofol 2.2 2.4
Thiopental 1.6 1.5
Midazolam 2.8 4.0
Etomidate 2.0 1.5
t½ ke0 , rate constant for transfer of drug from the site of drug effect to the environment.

models, characterizing drug-induced ventilatory depression requires considering the entire time course of drug therapy, which is embodied in the following differential equation:

where PaCO2 is the arterial CO2 , Pbiophase CO2 is the CO2 in the biophase (i.e., ventilation control centers), ke1 is the rate constant for CO2 elimination, C50 is the effect-site opioid concentration associated with a 50% reduction in ventilatory drive, and F is the steepness or "gain" of the CO2 effect on ventilatory drive.

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