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Effects of Anesthetics on Ventilatory Response to Chemical Stimuli

The effects of inhaled anesthetics on respiratory drive are typically characterized by the ventilatory response to alterations in arterial carbon dioxide tension or hypoxia. A complete discussion of chemical control of ventilation may be found in several excellent reviews.[214] [299] [300] Briefly, central and peripheral chemoreceptors are critical to

Figure 6-20 Comparison of PaCO2 in anesthetized, spontaneously breathing patients relative to preoperative forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1.0 ). Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) did not exhibit carbon dioxide retention before anesthesia, but the degree of alveolar hypoventilation is much greater in the more severely obstructed patients. (Adapted from Pietak S, Weenig CS, Hickey RG, et al: Anesthetic effects on ventilation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Anesthesiology 42:160, 1975.)

chemical control of respiration. Central chemoreceptors are located near the ventrolateral medulla and other brainstem locations and respond to changes in hydrogen ion (H+ ) concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid but not to arterial carbon dioxide tension or pH. Unlike H+ , carbon dioxide rapidly diffuses through the blood-brain barrier. Central chemoreceptors are more profoundly affected by respiratory alterations than by metabolic alterations in arterial carbon dioxide tensions. In contrast, peripheral chemoreceptors located in the carotid bodies are sensitive to changes in arterial carbon dioxide tension, pH and, most importantly, arterial oxygen tension. The mechanisms by which peripheral chemoreceptive cells respond to hypoxia and hypercapnia appear to be separate and synergistic, because hypoxemia potentiates the chemical drive to a carbon dioxide challenge. Peripheral chemoreceptors appear to contribute about one third to the total resting minute ventilation at normocapnia and normoxia as determined by respiratory functional testing. This contribution falls to 15% during hyperoxic normocapnia, suggesting that central chemoreceptors control 85% of the carbon dioxide drive during hyperoxia. Both stimuli cause membrane depolarization and activation of afferent nerve transmission.[301] Hypercapnia may induce alveolar epithelial cell injury mediated by a NO-dependent pathway.[302] The consequences of these observations on chemoreceptor function are unknown.

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