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Inhaled Anesthetics

Nitroux Oxide

Used alone, nitrous oxide causes a decrease in amplitude and frequency of the dominant occipital α rhythm (see Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , and Chapter 8 ). With the onset of analgesia and depressed consciousness, frontally dominant fast oscillatory activity (>30 Hz) is frequently seen.[33] This activity may persist to some extent for up to 50 minutes after discontinuation of nitrous oxide. When nitrous oxide is


TABLE 38-3 -- Anesthetic drugs and the electroencephalogram
Drug Effect on EEG Frequency Effect on EEG Amplitude of Dominant Frequency Burst Suppression

Yes, >1.5 MAC
   Subanesthetic Loss of α, ↑ frontal β
   Anesthetic Frontal 4–13 Hz activity
   Increasing dose >1.5 MAC Diffuse theta and δ → burst suppression → silence ↑ → 0
Desflurane Similar to equi-MAC dose of isoflurane Similar to equi-MAC dose of isoflurane Yes, >1.5 MAC
Sevoflurane Similar to equi-MAC dose of isoflurane Similar to equi-MAC dose of isoflurane Yes, >1.5 MAC
Nitrous oxide (alone) Frontal fast oscillatory activity (>30 Hz) ↑, especially with inspired concentration >50% No

Yes, >1.5 MAC
   Subanesthetic Loss of α, ↑ frontal β
   Anesthetic ↑ Frontal 7–12 Hz activity
   Increasing dose >1.5 MAC Spikes/spike and slow waves → burst suppression; hypocapnia → seizures ↑↑ → 0

Not seen in clinically useful dosage range
   Subanesthetic ↑ Frontal 10–20 Hz activity
   Anesthetic ↑ Frontal 10–15 Hz activity
   Increasing dose >1.5 MAC Diffuse theta, slowing with increasing dose

Yes, with high doses
   Low dose Fast frontal β activity Slight ↑
   Moderate dose Frontal α-frequency spindles
   Increasing high dose Diffuse δ → burst suppression → silence ↑↑↑ → 0

Yes, with high doses
   Low dose Fast frontal β activity
   Moderate dose Frontal α-frequency spindles
   Increasing high dose Diffuse δ → burst suppression → silence ↑↑ → 0

Yes, with high doses
   Low dose Loss of α, ↑ frontal β
   Moderate dose Frontal δ, waxing or waning α
   Increasing high dose Diffuse δ → burst suppression → silence ↑↑ → 0

   Low dose Loss of α, ↑ variability ↑↓
   Moderate dose Frontal rhythmic δ
   High dose Polymorphic δ, some β ↑↑ (β is low amplitude)

Low dose Loss of α, increased frontal β activity
High dose Frontally dominant δ and theta

   Low dose Loss of β, α slows ↔↑
   Moderate dose Diffuse theta, some δ
   High dose δ, often synchronized ↑↑
EEG, electroencephalographic; MAC, minimum alveolar concentration; α, 8–13 Hz frequency; β, >13 Hz frequency; δ, <4 Hz frequency; theta, 4–7 Hz frequency.


Figure 38-6 electroencephalographic effects of intravenous administration of thiopental in humans. A, Rapid activity. B, Barbiturate spindles. C, Slow waves. D, Burst suppression. (From Clark DL, Rosner BS: Neurophysiologic effects of general anesthetics. Anesthesiology 38:564, 1973.)

used in combination with other agents, it increases the clinical and electroencephalographic effects that are associated with the agent alone.

Isoflurane, Sevoflurane, Enflurane, Halothane, and Desflurane

Potent inhaled anesthetics follow the basic anesthesiarelated electroencephalographic pattern. For example, isoflurane initially causes an activation of the EEG, followed by a slowing of the electroencephalographic activity that escalates with increasing dose. Isoflurane begins to produce periods of electroencephalographic suppression at 1.5 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC), which become longer with increasing dose until electrical silence is produced at 2 to 2.5 MAC. Sometimes, isolated epileptiform patterns can be seen during intersuppression activity at 1.5 to 2.0 MAC of isoflurane.[34] Sevoflurane causes similar dose-dependent electroencephalographic effects. Equi-MAC concentrations of sevoflurane and isoflurane cause similar electroencephalographic changes.[35] Epileptiform activity has been induced by administration of sevoflurane in patients without epilepsy, and seizure activity on EEG, but not clinical seizure activity, has been reported in pediatric patients with a history of epilepsy during induction of anesthesia with sevoflurane.[36] [37] Despite these observations, sevoflurane, like other inhalation agents, is not suitable for use during electrocorticography for localization of seizure foci.[38] The electroencephalographic patterns seen with enflurane are similar to those seen with isoflurane, except that epileptiform activity is considerably more prominent. At 2 to 3 MAC, burst suppression is seen, but virtually all intersuppression activity consists of large spike and wave pattern discharges. Hyperventilation with high concentrations of enflurane increases the length of suppression, decreases the duration of bursts, but increases the amplitude and main frequency component of the intersuppression epileptiform activity. Frank seizures seen on the EEG may also occur with enflurane, which produces the same cerebral metabolic effects as pentylenetetrazol, a known convulsant. Halothane also produces electroencephalographic patterns

similar to those of isoflurane, but dosages of halothane that would produce burst suppression on the EEG (3 to 4 MAC) are associated with profound cardiovascular toxicity. Desflurane produces electroencephalographic changes similar in nature to equi-MAC concentrations of isoflurane. In limited clinical studies, there has been no evidence of epileptiform activity with desflurane, despite hyperventilation and 1.6 MAC dosage, [39] and desflurane has been used as a treatment of refractory status epilepticus.[40]

Clinical studies have demonstrated that the EEG of inhalational anesthetic agents is influenced by age and baseline electroencephalographic characteristics. Older patients and those with electroencephalographic slowing at baseline were more sensitive to the electroencephalographic effects of isoflurane and desflurane. As anesthesia was deepened, similar electroencephalographic pattern changes were observed, but these changes occurred at lower end-tidal anesthetic concentrations.[41]

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