Pacemaker Magnets
Despite the often-repeated folklore, most pacemaker manufacturers
warn that magnets were never intended to treat pacemaker emergencies or prevent electromagnetic
interference effects. Rather, magnet-activated reed switches were incorporated to
produce pacing behavior that demonstrates remaining battery life and, sometimes,
pacing threshold safety factors.
Placement of a magnet over a generator might produce no change
in pacing since not all pacemakers switch to a continuous asynchronous mode when
a magnet is placed. Also, not all models from a given company behave the same way.
Only about 60% of pacemakers have high-rate (80 to 100 beats/min) asynchronous pacing
with magnet application. About 25% switch to asynchronous pacing at program rate,
and 15% respond with a brief (60 to 100 beats) asynchronous pacing event. Possible
effects of magnet placement are shown in Table
In some devices, magnet behavior can be altered
by programming, and magnet behavior can be completely eliminated by programming in
some devices.
For all generators, calling the manufacturer remains the most
reliable method for determining magnet response and using this response to predict
remaining battery life (phone numbers for the device manufacturers are shown in Appendix
). As battery voltage falls, the magnet response can be used to detect
the following:
- IFI (Intensified follow-up required)—the device must be checked frequently
(approximately every 4 weeks for most models);
- ERI (Elective replacement indicator)—the device is nearing the end
of its useful life and should be electively replaced;
- EOL (End of life)—the device has insufficient battery power remaining
and should be replaced immediately.
On application of a magnet, some devices perform a threshold margin
test (TMT). In this test, one or more of the pacemaker pulses is reduced in amplitude,
pulse width, or both, in an attempt to gauge the safety margin for pacing voltage.
Loss of capture on these TMT pulses indicates an inadequate safety margin for pacing
( Fig. 35-3
). Some devices
from St. Jude Medical (formerly Pacesetter) with the Siemans "vario" engine reduce
the ventricular pacing energy over 16 cycles to demonstrate the pacing threshold.
As a result, many pacing cycles can take place at insufficient energy for ventricular
capture, which can produce periods of asystole while the magnet is applied.[26]
Occasionally, a pacemaker mediated tachycardia (PMT) can ensue
upon removal of the magnet from a dual chamber pacemaker ( Fig.
). These PMTs result from retrograde-conducted P waves during asynchronous
ventricular pacing, most commonly when the magnet rate is lower than the patient's
intrinsic rate. These retrograde P waves are then "tracked" after magnet removal
by a dual chamber device (DDD, VDD modes only), resulting in pacing at the upper
tracking rate. Each paced ventricular cycle results in another retrograde P wave,
producing an endless loop tachycardia. Should this behavior be observed, it can
be subverted by reapplication, then removal of the magnet. Some devices can be programmed
to recognize these
TABLE 35-4 -- Pacemaker magnet behavior
No apparent rhythm or rate change
No magnet sensor (some pre-1985 Cordis, Telectronics models) |
Magnet mode disabled (possible with Cardiac Pacemakers,
Inc. [CPI], Guidant, Pacesetter, Telectronics, and Biotronik models) |
Electrogram storage mode (EGM) enabled (CPI, Guidant, and
other models) |
Program rate pacing in already paced patient (many CPI,
Guidant, Intermedics, Telectronics, Vitatron, and other models) |
Improper monitor settings (pace filter on) |
Brief (10–100 beats) asynchronous pacing; then a return
to programmed values (most Intermedics and Biotronik models when programmed to their
default state) |
Continuous or transient loss of pacing |
Discharged battery (some pre-1990 devices) |
Pacer enters diagnostic threshold test mode (Siemans) |
Asynchronous "high-rate" pacing |
Medtronic (most models) set at 85 beats/min; 65 beats/min
if the battery is depleted |
Guidant Medical and CPI (models since 1990, magnet mode
enabled) at more than 85 beats/min (maximum, 100 beats/min); 85 beats/min if the
battery is depleted |
Pacesetter/St. Jude Medical (current models since 1990,
magnet mode enabled) at more than 87 beats/min (maximum, 98.6 beats/min); 86.3 beats/min
if the battery is depleted |
ELA Medical (models since 1989) at more than 80 beats/min
(maximum, 96 beats/min); 80 beats/min if the battery is depleted. ELA Medical devices
take eight additional asynchronous cycles (six at magnet rate, then two at programmed
rate) on magnet removal. Placement of a magnet on an ELA device increases the pacing
voltage to 5 V. |
Biotronik (only if programmed to asynchronous mode, which
is not the default state) at 90 beats/min; 80 beats/min if the battery is depleted |
Asynchronous pacing without rate responsiveness using parameters
possibly not in patient's best interest |
pacemakers revert to some predetermined mode on placement of a magnet to indicate
the remaining battery life. This table shows behaviors that can be observed on application
of a magnet to an implanted cardiac pacemaker. Some devices perform a threshold
margin test in which the pacing amplitude and/or pulse width is reduced
briefly to test the pacing safety margin (see Fig.
Figure 35-3
A threshold margin test (TMT), demonstrating inadequate
safety margin for pacing. Application of a magnet to some pacemakers produces asynchronous
pacing in which one or more pacing stimuli are emitted with a reduced ventricular
pacing voltage, pulse width, or both. This sequence of the TMT is used to determine,
without a formal pacemaker interrogation, the adequacy of the pacing energy settings.
In this electrocardiographic strip from an Intermedics device, the patient was being
paced in the VVI mode (ventricular pacing in the inhibited mode for a single chamber)
at a rate of 70 beats/min, which is equal to 857-msec intervals. On application
of the magnet, this pacemaker produced four intervals (i.e., five pacing stimuli)
of asynchronous pacing at a rate of 90 beats/min (667-msec intervals), demonstrating
adequate battery voltage for this device. At the fifth pacing stimulus after magnet
application, the pacemaker performs a TMT by reducing the stimulus pulse width to
50% of the programmed value (equal to 50% of programmed pacing energy). The failure
of this stimulus to produce a ventricular systole (i.e., failure to capture) demonstrates
a dangerously low safety margin for ventricular pacing, because pacing pulse width
should be at least three and usually four times the threshold for capture. After
five initial stimuli, Intermedics pacemakers then pace asynchronously at the programmed
lower rate (70 beats/min in this case) for 60 additional cycles. On completion of
these 64 cycles (65 stimuli), Intermedics pacemakers return to programmed values
and ignore the magnet.
Figure 35-4
A pacemaker-mediated tachycardia (PMT) follows magnet
removal from a pacemaker. This patient had a dual chamber pacemaker implanted for
atrioventricular (AV) nodal disease, and she was pacemaker dependent for ventricular
activity. She had a sinus rate of 75 beats/min before the magnet application with
appropriate ventricular pacing (strip not shown). Her programmed AV delay is 200
msec. With magnet application, her pacemaker produced asynchronous AV sequential
pacing (DOO mode) at a rate of 60 beats/min. This strip is from an electrocardiographic
recorder that enhances the pacemaker artifact with small, downward
arrows. Because the asynchronous magnet rate of this device is lower
than her intrinsic atrial rate, many of the atrial pacing stimuli were applied during
an atrial refractory period (i.e., functional noncapture). A consequence of atrial
noncapture can be retrograde AV nodal conduction, with depolarization of the atria
after the depolarization of the ventricles. The retrograde P waves are shown with
the upward arrows. While the magnet is applied,
this retrograde depolarization of the atria is ignored. Shortly after the magnet
was removed (open arrow), there was a paced ventricular
event, followed by retrograde AV nodal conduction. With the ensuing depolarization
of the atria from this retrograde conduction, the pacemaker sensed an atrial event
and responded by pacing the ventricle 200 msec later. Another retrograde P wave
appears, and each pace in response to a retrograde P wave created yet another ventricular
pace. The result is a PMT at the upper tracking rate (programmed here to 130 beats/min)
of the pacemaker. PMT from retrograde AV nodal conduction can occur in any DDD or
VDD device with magnet removal, with a premature ventricular contraction, or with
a noncaptured atrial pace. Treatment of this PMT entails reapplication of the magnet.
Some pacemakers can be programmed to eventually break PMT by delaying one AV cycle
when pacing at the upper tracking limit.
PMTs and will periodically omit one ventricular pacing pulse, or lengthen the AV
delay, during UTR pacing.
The patient with a dual-chamber device that has detected a high
atrial rate and "mode-switched" to prevent UTR pacing could have the mode-switch
reset upon application and removal of the magnet. These patients will then undergo
pacing at the upper tracking rate until criteria are met to return to the mode-switch
mode. Distinguishing the PMT from retrograde P waves from the UTR pacing due to
high atrial rates (prior to mode-switch entry) can be very difficult. In general,
though, mode-switch due to high atrial rates will take place within 10–15 seconds,
and PMT from retrograde P waves is quite persistent.
For generators with programmable magnet behavior [Guidant Medical,
CPI, Pacesetter, St Jude Medical, Telectronics, Biotronik, others], only an interrogation
with a programmer can reveal current settings. Many manufacturers publish a generator
reference guide, although not all of these guides list all magnet idiosyncrasies.