Although the formal Fick cardiac output method is not applied
widely in clinical practice, the physiologic relationships described by the Fick
equation form the basis for another PAC-based monitoring technique termed continuous
mixed venous oximetry. Rearrangement of the Fick equation reveals the four determinants
of mixed venous hemoglobin saturation (Sv̄O2

where Sv̄O2
= mixed venous hemoglobin
saturation (%)
= arterial hemoglobin saturation
= oxygen consumption (mL O2
= cardiac output
Hgb = hemoglobin concentration (g/dL)
To the extent that arterial hemoglobin saturation, oxygen consumption,
and hemoglobin concentration remain stable, mixed venous hemoglobin saturation may
be used as an indirect indicator of cardiac output. For example, when cardiac output
falls, tissue oxygen extraction increases and the mixed venous blood will become
more desaturated. However, as noted in this equation, mixed venous hemoglobin saturation
also varies directly with arterial hemoglobin saturation and hemoglobin concentration
and varies inversely with oxygen consumption. When any of these other variables
change significantly, one cannot assume that a change in mixed venous hemoglobin
saturation results solely from a change in cardiac output. Although these considerations
may confound the use of mixed venous hemoglobin saturation as an indicator of cardiac
output, monitoring this variable provides more comprehensive information about the
balance of oxygen delivery and consumption by the body—not just cardiac output,
but also the adequacy of cardiac output.[675]
Although mixed venous hemoglobin saturation may be determined
by intermittent blood sampling from the pulmonary artery, a specially designed PAC
can provide this information reliably and continuously. Fiberoptic bundles incorporated
into the PAC determine the hemoglobin saturation in pulmonary artery blood based
on the principles of reflectance oximetry and the use of either a two- or three-wavelength
system. A special computer connected to this PAC displays mixed venous hemoglobin
saturation continuously. In addition, these continuous mixed venous oximetry PACs
allow standard thermodilution cardiac output measurements or are combined with warm
thermal CCO capability, thereby providing both continual cardiac output and venous
oximetry data.
Technical problems with continuous mixed venous oximetry are generally
limited to improper positioning of the PAC tip against the vessel wall or inaccurate
Multi-wavelength fiberoptic technology and reflection intensity algorithms help
reduce wall artifacts caused by spurious reflections from a PAC thrombus or the pulmonary
arterial walls. These catheters are calibrated at the bedside before use but may
also be calibrated in vivo from a pulmonary artery blood gas sample if the mixed
venous saturation values are questionable.[685]
Most clinical trials comparing PAC-derived continuous venous oximetry
values with laboratory analysis of pulmonary artery blood samples have show good
agreement with little bias between techniques.[671]
Despite the apparent accuracy of this technique, there are significant questions
about the clinical value of this additional monitoring. Although normal values of
mixed venous hemoglobin saturation are well known, the appropriate therapeutic target
value for any individual patient remains uncertain.[671]
Clearly, low values of mixed venous hemoglobin saturation indicate an overall inadequacy
of oxygen delivery relative to total-body oxygen consumption. However, many critically
ill patients with normal or high values for mixed venous hemoglobin saturation have
regionally inadequate blood flow and tissue oxygen delivery that is not detected
by global measurements such as mixed venous oximetry.
The continuous mixed venous oximetry PAC may be used to measure
thermodilution cardiac output and arterial and mixed venous oxygen content values
and thereby calculate oxygen consumption by rearrangement of the Fick equation.
However, values of oxygen consumption derived from these measurements generally underestimate
direct oxygen consumption measured by mass spectrometry, metabolic cart, or water-sealed
Oxygen delivery may also be calculated
from these PAC-derived values.
· CaO2
where ḊO2
= oxygen delivery
= cardiac output (dL/min)
= oxygen content of arterial blood
(mL O2
/100 mL blood)
Many physicians have used these derived measures of oxygen consumption
and oxygen delivery to guide treatment of critically ill patients. Unfortunately,
as noted in the earlier discussions of pulmonary artery catheterization, this "goal-oriented
therapy" has not been shown to result in improved patient outcomes in most instances.
Few clinical trials have directly assessed the value of oximetry PAC monitoring
versus standard PAC monitoring. A small 226-patient trial comparing CVP, PAC, and
oximetry PAC monitoring for cardiac surgery failed to show any benefits for the oximetry
PAC and noted increased costs associated with this technique.[549]
More recently, in a large Veterans Affairs observational trial of 3265 cardiac surgical
patients, 49% of the patients received continuous mixed venous oximetry PACs, and
use of this catheter was associated with increased cost but no better outcome than
observed in the standard PAC group.[686]
In summary, continuous mixed venous oximetry remains an appealing,
widely used monitoring technology because of the ability of this technique to provide
continuous information about the global oxygen supply-and-demand balance in the body.
These catheters are more expensive than standard PACs, and clinical studies to date
have not yet defined appropriate clinical indications for their use.[559]