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APPENDIX 5: Flow Meters, Bernoulli's Principle, Laminar and Turbulent Flow

The equations governing the motion of fluids are expressions of Newton's second law, F = ma. Forces associated with fluids fall into three major categories: (1) gravity, (2) pressure, and (3) friction. In the example using manometers, the gravitational force per unit volume of fluid is simply ρg, acting in the vertical direction. Pressure forces are actually the result of differences in pressure from one point to another and are expressed mathematically as the negative of the pressure gradient. (A pressure gradient is a vector in the direction of the maximal rate of pressure increase, with magnitude equal to the pressure derivative in that direction.) Friction is proportional to viscosity, the physical property of a fluid that relates shear stress to rate of strain.

P0 = p + ½ρU2 + ρgz (1)

Equation 1 shows the relationship between velocity and pressure of a fluid in a flow that meets the conditions described. For flows in tubes, the manometer technique provides an easy method of measuring mean pressure. Therefore, the simplest flow meters apply a combination of these two principles to a tube of changing cross-sectional diameter. For example, the Venturi flow meter shown in Figure 30-18 consists of a tube of varying cross-sectional area that has two ports for measurement of pressure. The Bernoulli equation for points 1 and 2 in the figure becomes

P1 + ½ρU1 2 = P2 + ½ρU2 2 (2)

Here, the gravity terms have canceled out because the tube is horizontal, but these terms are usually negligible for gas flows in any direction.

The volume of the fluid flow (Q) (also called flux) at both locations must be the same because no fluid is entering or leaving through the tube walls. The dimensions and SI units for the volume of fluid flow are 13 /t and m3 /sec, respectively. This volume is determined at each cross section of the tube by multiplying the average velocity (U) by the cross-sectional area (A):

Q = U1 A1 = U2 A2 (3)

Assuming that A1 , A2 , P1 , and P2 are known, we now have two equations for the two unknowns U1 and U2 . Solving these for the velocity U1 produces

To find the volume of the flow (Q), we merely multiply this result by A1 . Note that velocity is proportional to the square root of the pressure drop or that the pressure change varies as velocity squared. For a given U1 , or the magnitude of flow velocity, the pressure drop varies as the square of the ratio of the areas, or the fourth power of the ratio of the diameters. If we choose an A2 greater than A1 , Equation 4 implies that P2 is greater than P1 . In this case, the pressure increases in the direction of flow, a change that initially seems contrary to intuition.

The bobbin flow meters (also called variable-orifice flow meters) in anesthesia machines use a similar principle. These devices consist of a slightly tapered vertical tube and a bobbin or ball that fits inside the tube (see Fig. 30-20 ). The cross-sectional area of the ring-shaped gap between the bobbin and the tube wall is proportional to the height of the bobbin. Because changes in the cross-sectional area of flow are abrupt rather than gradual (as in Fig. 30-20 ), the Bernoulli equation does not accurately describe this type of flow. The flow above the bobbin (i.e., downstream) is highly turbulent, and turbulence is a condition that dissipates kinetic energy into heat. However, introduction of the empirical constant Cd enables one to use the same formulation as in Equation 4:


P1 − P2 = (½ρQ2 )/(Cd 2 A2 ) (6)

where Cd is a dimensionless constant called the discharge coefficient. This constant varies with the shape of the orifice and with the value for another dimensionless parameter, the Reynolds number (Re). The Reynolds number, the overall ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces in a particular flow, is determined as follows:

Re = ρUL/μ (7)

where U is mean flow velocity, L is a characteristic length for the flow (in our flow meter, L is the diameter of the tube), and μ is the viscosity of the fluid. The dimension for viscosity is M/LT. The value for the Reynolds number is important to any fluid flow because it determines some of the most important characteristics of the flow. For example, the transition from laminar, or "smooth," flow to turbulent flow is determined by the shape of the flow and the Reynolds number. Flow in a long, straight, smooth-walled tube becomes turbulent at an Re value of approximately 2100. On the other hand, flow through an abrupt orifice, such as that of the flow meter in Figure 30-20 , becomes turbulent at an Re value of less than 100.

Returning now to the function of the flow meter, one can see that as gas flows upward through the tapered tube, the bobbin begins to rise. As the bobbin rises, the cross-sectional area of the orifice (A) increases because of the taper of the tube; therefore, the drop in pressure (P1 − P2 ) decreases. The bobbin reaches an equilibrium position for a given volume of flow (Q) when the pressure lifting the bobbin is exactly equal to the weight of the bobbin. In this type of flow meter, the pressure difference is fixed by the bobbin weight, and the area of the orifice varies with the volume of the flow, hence the name variable-orifice flow meter. Equations 5 and 6 show that calibration of these flow meters depends on both the density and the viscosity of the gas: density (ρ) appears explicitly, and viscosity (μ) appears in the dependence of Cd on the Reynolds number. If we use the wrong gas in a particular flow meter, Equations 5 and 6 and the viscosity and density of the new gas enable us to predict the change in calibration.

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