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Raman Scattering

As stated earlier, light of a specific energy can be absorbed by or emitted from a substance, depending on its allowable levels of vibrational, rotational, and electronic energy. Another absorption and re-emission phenomenon of light scattering occurs in a very small percentage of interactions. In this process, called Raman scattering, light in the visible and ultraviolet range is absorbed by molecules of a substance, thereby producing unstable vibrational or rotational energy states. Because these excited states are unstable, some of the absorbed energy is immediately re-emitted, thereby allowing the molecule to relax into a stable state. This Raman scattering signal occurs very infrequently; therefore, most photons pass through the gas sample without taking part in this particular absorption-re-emission phenomenon. If the intensity of the transmitted light is sufficiently great, the Raman-scattered signal can be measured and used to identify the molecules within the gas sample. Because the signal is scattered light, it is emitted in all directions relative to the incident beam.[18] [26] The Raman light is of low intensity, so it is best to measure it at right angles to the high-intensity exciting beam.

An advantage of Raman scattering over gas analysis based on absorption of infrared light is that a spectrum of Raman scattering lines can be used to identify all types of molecules in the gas phase (e.g., O2 and N2 ). Because it involves only vibrational and rotational energy states, Raman scattering cannot be used to identify single atoms. As discussed earlier, infrared absorption can be used to analyze molecules with a dipole moment and therefore cannot be used to identify oxygen or nitrogen. A disadvantage of Raman scattering as a clinical tool is the requirement for a very high-intensity laser light source to produce the small Raman-scattered signal.[18] [26]

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