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Active Sound Examination (Percussion, Echo, Doppler)

The earliest "active" acoustic diagnostic technique was percussion of the chest wall. A skilled clinician can use

this method to detect consolidation of the lungs, pleural effusion, and a few other chest pathologies. Though based on transmission and reflection of sound, percussion is purely qualitative and is unable to accurately localize pathologic changes. Modern ultrasound improves on percussion by using shorter-wavelength sound waves and quantitative detection of their reflections (echoes). The

Figure 30-25 Wave size and resolution. Wave reflection depends on the relative size of waves and objects. For small objects, small waves are needed for good reflection and resolution. A, The object size is large relative to the wave size, which results in good spatial resolution. B, The object size is small relative to the wavelength, which leads to poor resolution of the objects. This principle applies to light waves also. Hence, electron microscopes can resolve smaller objects than light microscopes can because the wavelengths used are smaller. Imagine running an unsharpened pencil over a fine (1-mm grid) or coarse (1-cm grid) screen. The pencil sticks in the larger holes while passing over the smaller ones. Sharpening the pencil to a point improves the resolution.

resolution of an examination is limited by the wavelength of the sound used ( Fig. 30-25 ). Using ultrasound at frequencies in the megahertz (106 cycles/sec) range allows resolution of much smaller objects. The wavelength of 1.0-MHz sound waves in solid tissue is about 1.5 mm, whereas the wavelength of a 256-Hz tone (middle C) in tissue is 5.7 m.


With the use of esophageal transducers, echocardiography has become a popular intraoperative monitoring technique.[16] [17] Sound waves in the 2- to 10-MHz range are transmitted toward the heart in short bursts or pulses. After each pulse, the transducer passively listens to the reflected echoes from various tissues. The ability to place the transducer in the esophagus is advantageous because sound does not then have to pass through air spaces or bone on its way to and from the heart. The speed of sound through the heart and surrounding soft tissues is a nearly constant 1540 m/sec. Thus, the elapsed time between transmission of the pulse and receipt of the echo provides the distance to the reflecting structure. The sound beam from the transducer is projected in a narrow "searchlight" pattern, so the exact direction of reflecting structures is also known.

The Doppler effect is used in echocardiography to determine the presence and degree of valvular regurgitation by converting the Doppler shift of sound waves reflected from erythrocytes into a color display (see Appendix 7 ; also see Chapter 33 ). Cardiac output has been estimated from descending thoracic aortic blood velocity by using a Doppler technique. These devices estimate the blood flow in the descending aorta and ignore flow to the head and arms. They calibrate descending aortic flow to cardiac output by assuming a constant proportional relationship between the two flows.

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