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Position for Shoulder Surgery

The use of the "beach chair," "barber's chair," or semirecumbent position is increasing in popularity in parallel with surgical procedures on the shoulder. The key element of the position is that it provides anterior and posterior access to the shoulder, with the upper extremity freely mobile. Extreme rotation of the head away from the operative side can result in stretching of the brachial plexus during surgical manipulation. Figure 28-12 shows one method of securing the endotracheal tube and head to prevent movement and accidental extubation. The surgical field is clearly higher than the heart, so air embolism is a risk. An impressive complication of shoulder arthroscopy


Figure 28-11 for midfemoral fractures, the patient is placed on the fracture table in the lateral position with the legs spaced and positioned to allow roentgenography at an angle in several planes. (Adapted from Day LJ: Unusual positions: Orthopedics: Surgical aspects. In Martin JT [ed]: Positioning in Anesthesia and Surgery, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1987, p 229.)

is rapid, progressive, and complete airway obstruction, caused by extravasation of the fluid used during the visualization out of the capsule and into the tissues of the neck.[37]

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