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A steadily increasing number of potent drugs are being used to treat disease, and the average hospitalized patient receives more than 10 drugs. Many drugs have side effects that might make anesthesia more risky or patient management more difficult. Knowing the pharmacologic properties and potential side effects of commonly used drugs helps the anesthesiologist avoid pitfalls during anesthesia and surgery.

The first step in avoiding these pitfalls is to obtain a drug history from the patient, including vitamins, herbs, and supplements.[26] [934] Then, for every drug, medicine, and over-the-counter preparation that the patient is using, the anesthesiologist should know the name, classification of drug, diseases and conditions for which it is prescribed, and common side effects. Having this knowledge before surgery helps the anesthesiologist avoid making mistakes that might turn minor side effects into life-threatening situations. If necessary, the anesthesiologist should return to the patient's bedside to search for signs or symptoms of these effects. Unnecessary drugs should be discontinued for at least three and preferably five half-lives of the drugs. This period should be longer if metabolites of the drug have activity and longer half-lives. For essential or beneficial drugs, the optimal dose should be determined in consultation with the treating physician; the optimal dose is

that maximizing the ratio of therapeutic value to the risk of drug toxicity. Side effects should be sought and either corrected preoperatively or at least planned for in anesthetic management. For instance, if a patient is made hypokalemic with diuretic drugs, hypokalemia might be corrected before surgery; an even better approach would be to avoid hyperventilation during surgery (see the earlier section on hypokalemia). This line of reasoning and planning is best done at least 1 week before surgery. Ideally, the surgeon, internist, primary care practitioner, and anesthesiologist should communicate regarding these topics well in advance of surgery. Understanding the side effects of chronic drug therapy that affect the sympathetic nervous system requires some knowledge of the basic pharmacologic characteristics of the sympathetic nervous system.[811] [812]

Pharmacologic Processes in the Sympathetic Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system is discussed in detail in Chapter 16 . Although that review is comprehensive, it is important to remember several points related to the pharmacology of the sympathetic nervous system when considering chronic drug therapy.

Norepinephrine, dopamine, and epinephrine exert their physiologic effect by interacting with an appropriate receptor at the target tissue. The primary receptor acts through intermediary messenger systems (including cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate [cAMP] or G-stimulatory or G-inhibitory proteins, or both) or can change the conformation (and hence the affinity for ligands) of bordering or neighboring receptors. These bordering or neighboring receptor effects may account for many of the multitude of effects associated with catecholamines. The three major types of catecholamine receptors are α-adrenergic, β-adrenergic, and dopaminergic. These receptors are subdivided as follows:

α1 -Receptor: Stimulation constricts vascular smooth muscle and thus increases peripheral vascular resistance.

α2 -Receptor: Stimulation inhibits the release of norepinephrine itself (constituting negative feedback to the sympathetic neuron). These receptors are largely presynaptic, although postsynaptic vasoconstricting α2 -receptors exist on blood vessels.

β1 -Receptor: Stimulation increases the heart rate and the strength of cardiac contractions.

β2 -Receptor: Stimulation causes dilation of smooth muscles of the blood vessels and airway, relaxation of uterine smooth muscle, and a variety of endocrine effects, including secretion of renin.

β3 -Receptor: Stimulation results in greater release of norepinephrine from the sympathetic neuron (constituting positive feedback to the sympathetic neuron).

DA1 -receptor: Stimulation causes dilation of vascular smooth muscle, notably in renal and mesenteric blood vessels.

DA2 -receptor: Stimulation inhibits the release of norepinephrine (presynaptic) and may also inhibit, through its ganglionic actions, the release of acetylcholine. The class of dopamine receptors involved in locomotion, inhibition of intestinal motility (antagonism of which accounts for the increase in gastric emptying by metoclopramide), and vomiting is not known. These different effects may be caused by slight differences in receptor conformations.

Figure 27-21 Antihypotensive drugs such as metaraminol (Aramine), tyramine, and ephedrine create their effect by releasing catecholamines from the granules of the nerve terminal. Therefore, when treatment with drugs such as methyldopa, reserpine, or guanethidine depletes the store of norepinephrine (NE) in the granules, little NE remains for release, and the antihypotensive drugs have been rendered ineffective.

The action of sympathomimetic substances is terminated through an unusual process: the nerve ending uses an active reuptake system to recapture most of the norepinephrine from the target tissue (see Chapter 16 ). Obviously, blockage of this system permits more norepinephrine to remain free to produce physiologic effects. In addition to this reuptake system, two enzymes transform catecholamines metabolically: monoamine oxidase (MAO) and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) (see Chapter 16 ).

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