Developments in Molecular Pharmacology
The field of molecular pharmacology has advanced our understanding
of excitable membrane proteins and their mechanisms of action. Before the advent
of molecular biology, most pharmacology research used ligand binding and protein
purification techniques to elucidate the structure and mechanism of action of various
drugs and receptors. Although important, these studies were tedious because tissue
contain more than one receptor subtype, and protein purification of receptors to
homogeneity is a lengthy and complicated process. Molecular techniques provide a
unique opportunity to study receptors and their structure at the DNA level. Many
receptors and receptor subtypes have been discovered, paving the way for more development
of receptor-specific pharmacologic agents. We briefly review the general field of
molecular pharma-cology because future drugs for perioperative use probably will
target receptor and receptor subtypes discovered using molecular approaches.
Molecular pharmacology takes advantage of the finding that all
proteins, including excitable membrane proteins, are encoded in the human genome
as nucleic acids. Every amino acid in a protein is encoded by a specific combination
of three nucleotides in DNA. If the DNA sequence that encodes a receptor protein
can be determined, the putative primary structure (i.e., amino acid sequence) of
the receptor can be deduced. Encoding DNA sequences (i.e., genes) can be inserted
into special cells that can express (i.e., manufacture, assemble, and deliver to
the appropriate location in the cell) receptor protein in high quantity. This has
several advantages.
First, studies on the receptor itself can be performed. By changing
(i.e., mutating) nucleotide sequences, an abnormal (i.e., synthetic or "designer")
receptor can be created. This abnormal receptor can then be compared with the original
receptor to see whether the changes made affect binding of drug to the receptor or
its coupling to second messengers. In this manner, the function of each portion
of the receptor can be studied. This type of information is often called structure-activity
relationships. G proteins and second messengers can be investigated in
a similar manner. Naturally occurring human receptor variants have been investigated
and tested for alterations in pharmacologic properties (see "Pharmacogenetics").
The second advantage of using molecular techniques in pharmacology
is that new receptors and receptor subtypes can be discovered by searching the genome
for DNA sequences similar to those of known receptors. After these receptors are
discovered, they can be easily characterized, because high expression in cells enables
them to be screened by various pharmacologic agents. The availability of DNA sequences
for the full human genome has accelerated the discovery of receptors through DNA
homology searching.
Perhaps the most immediately clinically relevant point is that
new investigational drugs can be rapidly screened for effects on various native and
variant receptors. In this way, pharmacologic effects of individual receptors can
be studied in a controlled manner, isolated from other receptors and receptor subtypes.
Such studies have the potential to lead to development of new drugs for use in the
perioperative period and for understanding the effects of these drugs in patients
with receptor variants.
Although there are many advantages to using molecular approaches
to understanding physiologic pathways of individual receptors and in drug discovery,
there are also some disadvantages. Cell lines are not integrated organisms, and
the function of the receptor protein in a network of physiologic systems cannot be
assessed. One approach to understanding the function of a previously identified
or new gene product is to develop murine models in which the gene of interest has
been eliminated (i.e., knock-out mice) or overexpressed (i.e., transgenic mice).
The physiologic consequence of such altered protein expression is then examined.
Although details of these technologies are beyond the scope of this chapter, they
have become standardized and are widely available at many medical schools, universities,
and specialized centers.
The mouse model is robust and useful, but it is important to remember
that this scientific model has its own limitations. To interpret data from transgenic
and knockout animals correctly, at least three limitations of this technology should
be considered. First, the genetic background of animals created must be carefully
examined. If not carefully controlled, altered phenotypes may result from differences
in animal strains (or genetic background) rather than from an overexpressed or knocked-out
gene product. Second, elimination of specific receptors may be compensated for by
alterations of other gene products. In this case, the final phenotype represents
the net alteration of several genes; this is of particular concern when elimination
of a gene is lethal because surviving progeny
TABLE 3-1 -- Results of targeting various portions of adrenergic-receptor signaling pathways
in knock-out and transgenic mice, with an emphasis on cardiovascular effects
Model |
Target |
Result |
Transgenic |
AR |
↑Basal AC, ↑LV function, ↑atrial contractility,
↑supraventricular premature beats, ↓HR variability |
Knock-out |
AR |
No observable effects (except effects of mild exercise) |
Transgenic |
AR |
Dilated cardiomyopathy and early death; fibrosis |
Knock-out |
AR |
Prenatal death rate of 70%; among survivors: normal AC, ↓ISO-stimulated
effects |
Transgenic |
↑AC-V |
↑HR, ↑fractional shortening, no ISO-stimulated effects |
Transgenic |
↑GRK2 |
↓AC activity, ↓βARs function, ↓ISO-stimulated
effects (rescued with βARK-ct peptide, which inhibits GRK2) |
Transgenic |
↑GRK5 |
Enhanced βAR desensitization but not angiotensin II desensitization |
Transgenic |
↑GRK2 inhibitor (↓GRK2 function) |
Enhanced cardiac contractility with ISO |
Knock-out |
↓GRK2 |
Lethal phenotype, gestational LV hyperplasia, LVEF <70% in
embryos |
Transgenic |
α |
No change in baseline EF, ↑ISO-stimulated effects, myocardial
fibrosis |
Knock-out |
↓Phospholamban |
↓βAR-mediated contractile responses |
Transgenic |
↑ α1a
AR |
Hypertension, ↑inotropy |
Transgenic |
↑ α1b
AR (constitutively active) |
Myocardial hypertrophy, hypertension, nociception, memory |
Transgenic |
↑ α1b
AR (wild type) |
No myocardial hypertrophy or hypertension |
Transgenic |
↑ α1d
AR |
Nociception, memory |
Transgenic |
Myocardial hypertrophy (about fourfold overexpression), higher
expression produces heart failure |
Transgenic |
inhibitor (↓Gq
function) |
Prevention of myocardial hypertrophy |
Knock-out |
AR |
Presynaptic α2
AR, mediates sedation and hypnosis,
↓BP (central hypotension), analgesia, regulation of DA/5-HT, antiepileptogenic
effects of NE |
Knock-out |
AR |
Mediates ↑BP (peripheral vascoconstriction) |
Knock-out |
AR |
Mediates hypothermia, DA synthesis and metabolism, and presynaptic
AR (at low-frequency stimulation) |
AC, adenylyl cyclase; AR, adrenergic receptor; βARK,
β-adrenergic receptor kinase; BP, blood pressure; DA, dopamine; HR, heart rate;
5-HT, serotonin; ISO, isoproterenol; LV, left ventricle; G, G protein; GRK, G protein-coupled
receptor kinase; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NE, norepinephrine; ↑,
increased; ↓, decreased. |
by definition have compensated in a way that enhances survival and therefore may
not be representative of the results of a single-gene knock-out experiment. Some
receptors and proteins have different tissue localizations in humans and other animal
species. Results from transgenic and knock-out animal studies should be interpreted
cautiously in this circumstance to prevent incorrect conclusions from being drawn
regarding the implications for human physiology.
Despite these potential limitations, transgenic and knock-out
animal models have proved very important in elucidating novel functions of receptors
and proteins. Many unexpected physiologic roles for gene products have been discovered,
and important physiologic questions have been answered and confirmed using these
approaches. As an example, Table 3-1
lists conclusions drawn from transgenic and knock-out mice based on alterations of
adrenergic receptors and their signal transduction cascade. Novel functions for
specific adrenergic receptor subtypes (e.g., the role of α2a
receptors in sedation and CNS-mediated hypotension, α2b
receptors in mediating vasoconstriction, α2c
-adrenergic receptors
temperature control) have been discovered (see Chapter
). Table 3-1
illustrates that alterations in adrenergic receptor signal transduction pathways
and modulating kinases have physiologic consequences in the whole animal.