Classic Actions of Nondepolarizing Muscle Relaxants
Neurotransmission occurs when the action potential releases acetylcholine
and binds to the receptor. All non-depolarizing relaxants impair or block neurotransmission
by competitively preventing the binding of acetylcholine to its receptor. The final
outcome (i.e., block or transmission) depends on the relative concentrations of the
chemicals and their comparative affinities for the receptor. Figure
shows a system exposed to acetylcholine and tubocurarine. One receptor
has attracted two acetylcholine molecules and opened its channel, where current will
flow to depolarize that segment of membrane. Another has attracted one tubocurarine
molecule; its channel will not open, and no current will flow, even if one acetylcholine
molecule binds to the other site. The third receptor has acetylcholine on one α-subunit
and nothing on the other. What will happen depends on which of the molecules binds.
If acetylcholine binds, the channel will open, and the membrane will be depolarized;
if tubocurarine binds, the channel will stay closed, and the membrane will not be
depolarized. At other times, one or two tubocurarine molecules may attach to the
receptor, in which case the receptor is not available to agonists; no current flow
is recorded. In the presence of moderate concentrations of tubocurarine, the amount
of current flowing through the entire end plate at any instant is
reduced from normal, which results in a smaller end-plate potential and, if carried
far enough, a block of neurotransmission or production of neuromuscular paralysis.
Normally, acetylcholinesterase enzyme destroys acetylcholine and
removes it from the competition for a receptor, so that tubocurarine has a better
chance of inhibiting transmission. If, however, an inhibitor of the acetylcholinesterase
such as neostigmine is added, the cholinesterase cannot destroy acetylcholine. The
concentration of agonist in the cleft remains high, and this high concentration shifts
the competition between acetylcholine and tubocurarine in favor of the former, improving
the chance of two acetylcholine molecules binding to a receptor even though tubocurarine
is still in the environment. Cholinesterase inhibitors overcome the neuromuscular
paralysis produced by nondepolarizing relaxants by this mechanism. The channel opens
only when acetylcholine attaches to both recognition sites. A single molecule of
antagonist, however, is adequate to prevent the depolarization of that receptor.
This modifies the competition by biasing it strongly in favor of the antagonist.
Mathematically, if the concentration of tubocurarine is doubled, the concentration
of acetylcholine must be increased fourfold if acetylcholine is to remain competitive.
Paralysis produced by high concentrations of antagonist is more difficult to reverse
than those produced by low concentrations. After large doses of nondepolarizing
relaxants, reversal drugs may be ineffective until the concentration of the relaxant
in the perijunctional area decreases to a lower level by redistribution or elimination
of the drug.