To understand the mechanical performance of the intact heart,
it is important to have knowledge of the phases of the cardiac cycle and determinants
of ventricular function.
Cardiac Cycle
The cardiac cycle is the sequence of electrical and mechanical
events during the course of a single heartbeat. Figure
illustrates (1) the electrical events of a single cardiac cycle represented
by the electrocardiogram (ECG) and (2) the mechanical events of a single cardiac
cycle represented by left atrial and left ventricular pressure pulses correlated
in time with aortic flow and ventricular volume.[1]
The cardiac cycle begins with initiation of the heartbeat. Intrinsic
to the specialized cardiac pacemaker tissues is automaticity and rhythmicity. The
sinoatrial (SA) node is usually the pacemaker; it can generate impulses at the greatest
frequency and is the natural pacemaker.
Electrical Events and the Electrocardiogram
Electrical events of the pacemaker and the specialized conduction
system are represented by the ECG at the body surface (also see Chapter
). It is the result of electrical potential differences generated by
the heart at sites of the surface recording. The action potential initiated at the
SA node is propagated to both atria by specialized conduction tissue, and it leads
to atrial systole (contraction) and the P wave of the ECG. At the junction of the
interatrial and interventricular septa, specialized atrial conduction tissue converges
at the atrioventricular (AV) node, which is connected distally to the His bundle.
The AV node is an area of relatively slow conduction, and a delay between atrial
and ventricular contraction normally occurs at this locus. The PR interval can be
used to measure the delay between atrial and ventricular contraction at the level
of the AV node. From the distal His bundle, an electrical impulse is propagated
through large left and right bundle branches and finally to the Purkinje system fibers,
which are the smallest branches of the specialized conduction system. Finally, electrical
signals are transmitted from the Purkinje system to the individual ventricular cardiomyocytes.
The spread of depolarization to the ventricular myocardium is manifested as the
QRS complex on the ECG. Depolarization is followed by ventricular repolarization
and appearance of the T wave on the ECG.[2]
Figure 18-1
The electrical and mechanical events during a single
cardiac cycle are depicted. Shown are pressure curves of aortic blood flow, ventricular
volume, venous pulse, and the electrocardiogram. (From Berne RM, Levy MN:
The cardiac pump. In Cardiovascular Physiology,
8th ed. St Louis, Mosby, 2001, pp 55–82.)
Mechanical Events
The mechanical events of a cardiac cycle begin with return of
the blood to the right and left atria from the systemic and pulmonary circulation,
respectively. As blood accumulates in the atria, atrial pressure increases until
it exceeds the pressure within the ventricle, and the AV valve opens. Blood first
flows passively into the ventricular chambers, and such flow accounts for approximately
75% of total ventricular filling.[3]
The remainder
of the blood flow is by active atrial contraction or systole, known as the atrial
"kick." The onset of atrial systole is coincident with depolarization of the sinus
node and the P wave. While the ventricles fill, the AV valves are displaced upward
and ventricular contraction (systole) begins with closure of the tricuspid and mitral
valves, which corresponds to the end of the R wave on the ECG. The first part of
ventricular systole is known as isovolumic or isometric contraction. The electrical
impulse traverses the AV region and passes through the right and left bundle branches
into the Purkinje fibers. This leads to contraction of ventricular myocardium and
a progressive increase in intraventricular pressure. When intraventricular pressure
exceeds pulmonary artery and aortic pressure, the pulmonic and aortic valves open
and ventricular ejection occurs, which is the second part of ventricular systole.
Ventricular ejection can be further separated into the rapid ejection
phase and the reduced ejection phase. During the rapid ejection phase, forward flow
is maximal, and pulmonary artery and aortic pressure is maximally developed. In
the reduced ejection phase, flow and great artery pressure taper with progression
of systole. Pressure in both ventricular chambers falls as blood is ejected from
the heart, and ventricular diastole begins with closure of the pulmonic and aortic
valves. The initial period of ventricular diastole consists of the isovolumic/isometric
relaxation phase. This phase is concomitant with repolarization of the ventricular
myocardium and corresponds to the end of the T wave on the ECG. The final portion
of ventricular diastole involves a rapid decrease in intraventricular pressure until
it falls below that of the right and left atria, at which point the AV valve reopens,
ventricular filling occurs, and the cycle repeats itself.