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Active Form

Local anesthetic bases are poorly to sparingly soluble in water but are soluble in relatively hydrophobic organic solvents. Therefore, as a matter of convenience, most of these drugs are marketed as the hydrochloride salts. The pKa of the drug and tissue pH determine the amount of drug that exists in solution as free base or as positively charged cation when injected into living tissue (see earlier). Furthermore, uptake of the drug by the tissue, largely as a result of lipophilic adsorption, will also alter its activity, both by shifting the effective pKa downward and thereby favoring the neutral base form and by limiting diffusion of the anesthetic away from the site of injection. Moderately hydrophobic local anesthetics will act more rapidly than either hydrophilic or highly hydrophobic ones when delivered at the same concentration for the following reasons. Moderately hydrophilic local anesthetics, such as lidocaine, are less bound to tissues than very hydrophobic drugs (e.g., tetracaine), but are still more membrane permeant than very hydrophilic ones (e.g., chloroprocaine). Highly hydrophobic local anesthetics also have higher intrinsic potencies (see Table 14-2 ); therefore, they are used in lower concentrations, and their rate of onset is correspondingly reduced.

Which form of the local anesthetic, charged cation or neutral base, is actually responsible for impulse blockade? More alkaline solutions of local anesthetics more effectively block nerve conduction.[14] In a desheathed nerve and in an isolated single axon, the rate of inhibition by

tertiary amine anesthetics is greater at alkaline than at neutral external pH[15] [16] because membrane penetration and transport, highly favored by base over cation species, are essential for controlling the rate of access to the binding site. Direct control of axoplasmic pH[17] (or internal perfusion with permanently charged quaternary amine homologs) shows that the dominant potency is derived from the cationic species acting from the cytoplasmic surface.[18] [19] The uncharged base also has intrinsic pharmacologic activity, however, and in addition to molecules with tertiary amine moieties, those having hydroxyl (alcohols) or alkyl groups (e.g., benzocaine) can also inhibit Na+ channels and block impulses. [16] [20] [21] [22]

To obtain a clear picture of the fundamental blocking mechanism, knowledge of the channel-binding kinetics of the drug is necessary, but it is almost impossible to measure the rate of binding of local anesthetics to the receptor after their addition to a bathing solution. Drug diffusion through the unstirred layer of solution next to the membrane and through the membrane itself present steps that limit the rate of access to the receptor site.[16] [23] However, once the drug has equilibrated with membranes and solutions, it is possible to perturb the channels by depolarizing the membrane and follow the "phasic" inhibition by local anesthetics to clarify the details of the binding reaction, as described later.

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