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Structure-Activity Relationships and Physicochemical Properties

The intrinsic potency and duration of action of local anesthetics are clearly dependent on certain features of the molecule.

Lipophilic-Hydrophilic Balance

The lipophilic versus hydrophilic character of local anesthetics depends on the size of the alkyl substituents both on or near the tertiary amine and on the aromatic ring. "Lipophilicity" expresses the tendency of a compound to associate with membrane lipids, which is usually approximated by equilibrium partitioning into a hydrophobic solvent such as octanol.[1] Such octanol/buffer partition coefficients are comparable to membrane/buffer partition coefficients for the uncharged species of local anesthetics but greatly underestimate membrane partitioning for the charged, protonated species, octanol being a poor model for the polar regions near the membrane surface.[2] In this chapter we use the term hydrophobicity, expressed by octanol/buffer partitioning, to describe a physicochemical property of local anesthetics.

Compounds with a more hydrophobic nature are obtained by increasing the size of the alkyl substituent or substituents. These agents are more potent and produce longer-lasting blocks than their less hydrophobic congeners do.[3] [4] [5] For example, etidocaine, which has three more carbon atoms than lidocaine has in the amine end of the molecule, is four times as potent and five times as long lasting when compared for impulse blockade in the isolated sciatic nerve.

Hydrogen Ion Concentration

Local anesthetics in solution exist in a rapid chemical equilibrium between the basic uncharged form (B) and the charged cationic form (BH+ ). At a certain hydrogen ion concentration (log10 -1 [-pH]) specific for each drug, the concentration of local anesthetic base in solution is equal to the concentration of charged cation. This hydrogen ion concentration is called pKa . The relationship is defined by

pKa values for standard local anesthetics are listed in Table 14-2 . The tendency to be protonated also depends on environmental factors, such as temperature and ionic strength, and on the medium surrounding the drug. In the relatively apolar milieu of a membrane, the average pKa of local anesthetics is lower than in solution.[6] This is chemically equivalent to saying that the membrane concentrates the base form of the local anesthetic more than it concentrates the protonated cation form.

The pH of the medium containing the local anesthetic influences drug activity by altering the relative percentage of the basic or protonated forms. For example, in inflamed tissue, the pH is lower than normal, and local anesthetics are more protonated than in normal tissue and thus penetrate the tissue relatively poorly (see later).

The relationship between pKa and the percentage of local anesthetic present in the cationic form is shown in


TABLE 14-1 -- Representative local anesthetics in common clinical use
Generic * and Common Proprietary Name Chemical Structure Approximate Year of Initial Clinical Use Main Anesthetic Use Representative Commercial Preparation

1884 Topical Bulk powder
Benzocaine (Americaine)

1900 Topical 20% ointment

Topical 20% aerosol
Procaine (Novocain)

1905 Infiltration 10- and 20-mg/mL solutions

Spinal 100-mg/mL solution
Dibucaine (Nupercaine)

1929 Spinal 0.667-, 2.5-, and 5-mg/mL solutions
Tetracaine (Pontocaine)

1930 Spinal Niphanoid crystals—20- and 10-mg/mL solutions
Lidocaine (Xylocaine)

1944 Infiltration 5- and 10-mg/mL solutions

Peripheral nerve blockade 10-, 15-, and 20-mg/mL solutions

Epidural 10-, 15-, and 20-mg/mL solutions

Spinal 50-mg/mL solution

Topical 2.0% jelly, viscous

Topical 2.5%, 5.0% ointment
Chloroprocaine (Nesacaine)

1955 Infiltration 10-mg/mL solution

Peripheral nerve blockade 10- and 20-mg/mL solutions

Epidural 20- and 30-mg/mL solutions
Mepivacaine (Carbocaine)

1957 Infiltration 10-mg/mL solution

Peripheral nerve blockade 10- and 20-mg/mL solutions

Epidural 10-, 15-, and 20-mg/mL solutions
Prilocaine (Citanest)

1960 Infiltration 10- and 20-mg/mL solutions

Peripheral nerve blockade 10-, 20-, and 30-mg/mL solutions

Epidural 10-, 20-, and 30-mg/mL solutions
Bupivacaine (Marcaine)

1963 Infiltration 2.5-mg/mL solution

Peripheral nerve blockade 2.5- and 5-mg/mL solutions

Epidural 2.5-, 5-, and 7.5-mg/mL solutions

Spinal 5- and 7.5-mg/mL solutions
Ropivacaine (Naropin)

1992 Infiltration 2.5- and 5-mg/mL solutions

Peripheral nerve blockade 5- and 10-mg/mL solutions

Epidural 5- and 7.5-mg/mL solutions
Modified from Covino B, Vassallo H: Local Anesthetics: Mechanisms of Action and Clinical Use. Orlando, FL, Grune & Stratton, 1976.
*USP nomenclature


TABLE 14-2 -- Relative in vitro conduction-blocking potency and physicochemical properties of local anesthetics

Physicochemical Properties
Drug Relative Conduction-Blocking Potency * pKa Hydrophobicity
Low-potency procaine 1 8.9 100
Intermediate potency

  Mepivacaine 1.5 7.7 130
  Prilocaine 1.8 8.0 129
  Chloroprocaine 3 9.1 810
  Lidocaine 2 7.8 366
High potency

  Tetracaine 8 8.4 5822
  Bupivacaine 8 8.1 3420
  Etidocaine 8 7.9 7320
From Strichartz GR, Sanchez V, Arthur GR, et al: Fundamental properties of local anesthetics. II. Measured octanol:buffer partition coefficients and pKa values of clinically used drugs. Anesth Analg 71:158–170, 1990.
*Data derived from C fibers of isolated rabbit vagus and sciatic nerve.
†pKa and hydrophobicity at 36°C; hydrophobicity equals the octanol buffer partition coefficient of the base. Values are ratios of concentrations.
‡Values at 25°C.

Figure 14-2 . As described later, pH has dual effects on clinical effectiveness, depending on the location at which the local anesthetic is injected and the importance of the base form for tissue penetration.

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