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Endogenous Opioid Peptides

Enkephalin, β-endorphin, and dynorphin were identified as endogenous agonists for the δ-, μ-, and κ-opioid receptors, respectively. Following purification of these peptides from mammalian tissues, cDNAs for the precursors of these peptides were cloned. cDNA cloning and amino acid determination of preproopiomelanocortin demonstrated that the cleavage of this precursor protein produces not only β-endorphin but also several other neuropeptides, including methionine enkephalin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone. The amino acid sequencing of preproenkephalin indicates that four methionine enkephalins and one leucine enkephalin are cleaved from this precursor. Furthermore, the primary structure of preprodynorphin, the precursor of dynorphin, was determined by cDNA cloning.

A novel endogenous opioid peptide with a significant sequence homology to dynorphin was isolated in 1995.[3] [4] This peptide was called orphanin FQ, or nociceptin, because it lowered the pain threshold under certain conditions, in contrast to the other endogenous opioid peptides. Pharmacologic and physiologic studies have demonstrated that nociceptin/orphanin FQ has behavioral and pain modulatory properties distinct from those of the three classical opioid peptides.[6] Studies of the effects of nociceptin/orphanin FQ on pain sensitivity have produced conflicting results, which may suggest


TABLE 11-3 -- Pharmacologic actions of opioids and opioid receptors in animal models

Actions of

Receptor Agonists Antagonists

  Supraspinal μ, δ, κ Analgesic No effect
  Spinal μ, δ, κ Analgesic No effect
Respiratory function μ Decrease No effect
Gastrointestinal tract μ, κ Decrease transit No effect
Psychotomimesis κ Increase No effect
Feeding μ, δ, κ Increase feeding Decrease feeding
Sedation μ, κ Increase No effect
Diuresis κ Increase
Hormone secretion

  Prolacton μ Increase release Decrease release
  Growth hormone μ and/or δ Increase release Decrease release
Neurotransmitter release

  Acetylcholine μ Inhibit
  Dopamine δ Inhibit

that the effects depend on the underlying behavioral state of the animal. Prepronociceptin, the precursor of nociceptin/orphanin FQ, has been cloned, and its amino acid sequence suggested the existence of prepronociceptin-derived neuropeptides other than nociceptin/orphanin FQ.[7]

The search for endogenous ligand binding with the μ receptor with high affinity and high selectivity led to the discovery of a class of novel endogenous opioids termed endomorphin-1 and 2,[8] which are tetrapeptides with the sequence Tyr-Pro-Trp-Phe and Tyr-Pro-Phe-Phe, respectively. An endomorphin gene has yet to be cloned, and much remains to be learned about the anatomic distribution, mode of interaction with the opioid receptors, function in vivo, and potential existence of other related peptides that are highly selective for each of the opioid receptors.

TABLE 11-4 -- Characteristics of opioid receptors

μ δ κ Nociceptin
Tissue bioassay Guinea pig ileum Mouse vas deferens Rabbit vas deferens
Endogenous ligand β-Endorphin Leu-enkephalin Dynorphin Nociceptin

Endomorphin Met-enkephalin

Agonist Morphine DPDPE Buprenorphin

Fentanyl Deltorphin Pentazocine

Antagonist Naloxone Naloxone Naloxone

Naltrexone Naltrindole NorBNI
Coupled G-protein Gi/o Gi/o Gi/o Gi/o
Adenylate cyclase Inhibition Inhibition Inhibition Inhibition
Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels Inhibition Inhibition Inhibition Inhibition
Inward rectifier K+ channels Activation Activation Activation Activation

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