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Virtual Reality Simulators

Virtual reality refers to a set of techniques in which one interacts with a synthetic ("virtual") environment that exists solely in the computer.[8] In the typical conception of virtual reality, representation of the synthetic environment


TABLE 84-2 -- Functionality of current mannequin-based simulator systems
Clinical Area Features and Functions Remarks
Airway Appropriate pharyngeal and glottic anatomy Airway often provides acceptable seal for LMA, CT, LT, etc.

Placement of face mask, ETT, LMA, LT, Combitube

Laryngospasm, tongue and airway swelling, cervical immobility, jaw closure, breakable teeth


Transtracheal jet ventilation

Bronchial anatomy (to the lobar bronchus level)
Head Eyelid movement, pupil dilatation, and reaction to light or medications Sweating not available yet

Patient voice and sounds such as coughing and vomiting (through built-in loudspeaker)

Palpable carotid pulses

Chest Physiologic and pathophysiologic heart and breath sounds Breath and heart sounds through loudspeakers; sounds contain artifacts and mechanical noise

Spontaneous breathing with chest wall movement


Adjustable pulmonary compliance

Adjustable airway resistance


Needle thoracotomy and chest tube placement

Defibrillation, transthoracic pacing ECG

Chest compressions
Extremities Palpable pulses (dependent on arterial pressure) Very limited movement capabilities at best

Cuff blood pressure by auscultation, palpation, or oscillometry

Modules for fractures and wound modules

Intravenous line placement

Thumb twitch in response to peripheral nerve stimulation

Arm movement
Monitoring (waveforms and/or numerical readouts) ECG (including abnormalities in morphology and rhythm) Simulators interface to actual clinical monitors or provide a simulated virtual vital signs display (or both)


Invasive blood pressure Includes a virtual heart-lung machine


Cardiac output


CO2 (may be actual CO2 exhalation)

Anesthetic gases (may have actual uptake and distribution of agents)

Cardiopulmonary bypass
Automation and sensors Chest compressions

Ventilation rate and volume

Defibrillation and pacing

Gas analyzer (inspired O2 , anesthetics)

Drug recognition (drug identification and amount)
Note: The features listed are each present in some existing simulators, but not all features are present on any single device. Sets of features depend on the device and model.
CT, Combitube; CVP, central venous pressure; ECG, electrocardiogram; ETT, endotracheal tube; LMA, laryngeal mask airway; LT, Larynx tube; PAP, positive airway pressure; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure.

is fed fairly directly to the eyes, ears, and possibly the hands. The actions of the user in the environment are translated directly from typical physical activities, not through manipulating a special pointing device. Realization of this ideal is a continuum involving compromises in these input/output modalities. At one end of the continuum, which we call a "complete virtual reality simulation," the participant is immersed in a virtual world that fully replicates at least three sensory inputs—vision, hearing, and touch (the last is more technically known as

TABLE 84-3 -- Desirable features of future mannequin-based simulator systems
Advanced skin signs such as
  Change in skin color to cyanotic or pale
  Change in skin temperature (e.g., as a result of shock or fever)
  Rash, hives, or generalized edema
Regurgitation, vomiting, airway bleeding or secretions
Physical coughing (currently only sounds are simulated)
Purposeful movements of extremities
Support for spinal, epidural, or other regional anesthesia procedures
EEG signals (e.g., for BIS, AEP, PSI)
Intracranial pressure
Support for physical central venous cannulation
Fetal/maternal cardiotocogram (CTG)
A fully interactive simulator of a neonate or infant
Note: The table shows what features are not currently incorporated (April 2004). Some features may be under development and could be available after publication of this book. In addition, some features are currently available as third-party or homemade add-ons.
AEP, auditory evoked potential; BIS, bispectral index; EEG, electroencephalographic; PSI, patient state index.

TABLE 84-4 -- Characteristics of currently available simulator systems for anesthesia (as of July 2003)
Type/Manufacturer Patient Simulator (Eagle-MedSim) HPS and PediaSim (METI) ECS (METI) SimMan (Laerdal) ASC (Anesoft)
External representation of the patient Mannequin Mannequin Mannequin Mannequin Computer

Internal control logic Model based Model based Model based Script based Model based
Interface to actual physiologic monitors + + - (+ECG) - (+ECG) -
Simulated physiologic monitors - - (+) + + NA
Automated drug recognition + + - - NA
Hands-on training + + + + -
Easy transport - - + + ++
Price (approx) in U.S. dollars (210,000) 200,000 40,000 40,000 200–800 (depending on type of license)

No longer produced

Systems in the U.S. 55 200 (+70) 46 600
Systems in Europe 10 30 (+10) 5 100
Total systems (world) 75 271 (+90) 60 900 10,000
Note: This table shows only simulators available for anesthesia training. Most of them can also be used for intensive care medicine or emergency medicine training. The human patient simulator of METI is also available with a mannequin resembling a child around 8 years old. There are a variety of screen-based simulators, especially for resuscitation training (e.g., ResusSim, MicroSim, Inhospital, Sophus Medical), and lower-fidelity mannequin-based skills trainers (e.g., mega-code trainer) available in adult, child, infant, and neonate models.
ASC, anesthesia simulator consultant; ECS, emergency care simulator; HPS, human patient simulator; NA, not available.

a haptic/kinesthetic system)[8] —and allows complete physical interaction with the world. At the other extreme of the continuum is a screen-based simulator that generates a limited virtual world, but it restricts its output to a screen display and provides interaction with the virtual world only through a pointing device. Screen-based simulators provide an interface to the human sensory system that is very far from physical reality, whereas a complete virtual reality simulation may be, in its most advanced form, nearly indistinguishable from the real world. A "partial" virtual reality simulator would replicate fewer senses (or less complete replication, such as a three-dimensional visual representation on a two-dimensional screen) or could restrict physical interaction with the world, or both. Finally, one can imagine hybrids of realistic simulators and virtual reality simulators in which the virtual reality representation is overlaid onto a real physical environment.

A complete virtual reality patient simulator would be very complicated because it requires the following:

  1. A complete computer model of the patient, the environment, and the function of every object in the environment that could be used (e.g., monitoring devices, carts)
  2. A means of tracking visual, audio, and touch fields of the user to determine what is to be displayed and to identify what physical actions are being performed
  3. Appropriate display hardware for every sensory modality and appropriate input hardware for each action pathway (e.g., touch, speech)
  4. Hardware to compute all the models, to conduct the tracking, and to produce all the output to the display hardware in real time


Virtual reality is a rapidly developing field. It has stimulated intense interest in a number of domains, particularly the military and entertainment. Although the potential of this approach is very exciting, virtual reality is still under development.

Prototype virtual reality patient simulators (and so-called three-dimensional virtual worlds) have been discussed informally, but as of this writing, there is no published experience with any meaningful virtual reality patient simulation system, although work has been published in areas of partial-task virtual reality and single-procedure virtual reality simulators (e.g., intravenous access[9] and bronchoscopy,[10] as well as endoscopic surgery).

Even though virtual reality simulators have many theoretical advantages over screen-based and realistic simulators (e.g., realism, virtual "hands-on" interaction, instantaneous reset of the environment), these advantages are currently offset by the immaturity of the field. In spite of considerable "hype" about virtual reality, such systems are now either very limited in capability or very expensive, and in most cases, they are both limited and expensive. A true virtual reality "immersion" experience in a patient care setting comparable to that obtainable with a realistic simulator is not yet on the horizon.

Nonetheless, it is likely that virtual reality techniques will eclipse other types of simulators within 10 to 20 years.[11] In the interim, we believe that virtual reality will be used primarily to augment the display representation of current screen-based simulators.

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