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No accepted classification scheme has been devised for the use of patient simulators in anesthesia. Any classification involves some overlapping and gray areas. The following classification and definitions are used in this chapter. In addition to simulators, there are also computer-assisted instruction programs and computer-based training devices. Although training devices may replicate certain portions of the clinical domain, they do not attempt to replicate the bulk of the work environment. Some individuals consider the screen-only microsimulator (also known as a screen-based simulator) to be a training device and not a simulator. Computer-assisted instruction programs and training devices are not reviewed in this chapter. Moreover, this chapter is about "patient simulators" in anesthesia that present the overall patient as would be seen by anesthesiologists, intensivists, or others. Devices related purely to emergency medicine (e.g., ResusSim) and surgical or procedural simulators that present only the technical work of surgery or invasive manipulations (e.g., bronchoscopy, intravenous access), as well as partial-task screen-based simulators (e.g., GasMan), are also not discussed here.

Thus, for this chapter a patient "simulator" is a system that presents a patient and a clinical work environment of immediate relevance to anesthetists (e.g., operating room [OR], postanesthesia care unit [PACU], intensive care unit [ICU]) in one of the following ways:

  1. In actual physical reality, defined as a mannequin-based simulator (former and still commonly used synonyms are full-scale simulator, hands-on simulator, realistic simulator, high-fidelity simulator). These simulators can be subdivided in terms of the way that vital signs monitoring is accomplished (interfacing to real clinical monitoring devices or using its own virtual replica of a monitor screen) and in terms of the primary control logic of the simulator (by individual controls and scripts or by using physiologic and pharmacologic modeling).
  2. On a computer screen only, defined as a screen-only or screen-based simulator (some prefer the term "microsimulator").
  3. Using "virtual reality," defined as a virtual reality simulator. In such a device, parts or all of the patient and environment is presented to the user by three-dimensional representations with or without "touch" to create a more "immersive" experience. A screen-only simulator could be viewed as a very limited virtual reality simulator.

Components of a Patient Simulator

A patient simulator system contains several components ( Fig. 84-1 ). A set of outputs make up a representation of the patient, the clinical environment, and diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. For screen-only simulators, this representation is generated graphically on the computer screen. For mannequin-based simulators, the representation is


Figure 84-1 Schematic diagram of the generic architecture of model-based patient simulator systems. The simulator generates a representation of the patient and the work environment with appropriate interface hardware, display technologies, or both. The representation is perceived by the anesthesiologist, whose actions are then input to the simulator through physical actions or input devices. The behavior of the simulated patient is determined through sets of interlinked physiologic models and control logic that are manipulated by the instructor or operator through a workstation that allows selection of different patients, abnormal events, and other features of the simulation. ICU, intensive care unit; OR, operating room.

generated by using a patient mannequin, plus either actual clinical equipment or virtual replicas of monitor screens, placed (typically) in a re-creation of an actual clinical setting. The mannequin and, where appropriate, the clinical equipment are stimulated or actuated by interface hardware. Mannequin-based simulators often use physical stimulation of clinical equipment in addition to electronic stimulation. For example, the mannequin can actually be ventilated with any desired mixture of inspired gases. Carbon dioxide and other gases can be introduced physically by the simulator into the mannequin's lungs to provide the desired elements of gas exchange. A real respiratory gas analyzer can thus be used to measure the inspired and expired gases ( Table 84-2 ).

Any simulator must have control logic by which changes in the simulated patient's condition can be generated, controlled, and sent to the appropriate output of the representation. Originally, the control logic was embedded in the software as a fixed sequence of events, or it consisted largely of continuous input from the instructor working from a script. Some current simulators use upgraded types of manual control logic that allows scripting of combinations of changes in control input. Other current simulators incorporate a more sophisticated technique using mathematical differential equations that model a patient's physiology and pharmacology to provide the bulk of the control logic. These models can be tailored to represent different patients with different pathophysiologic abnormalities. However, not all states or changes in a patient can be modeled by differential equations. For example, ventricular fibrillation is a totally different state of heart rhythm that does not evolve continuously from normal rhythms. No model can predict exactly when a patient will suffer a myocardial infarction or when an ischemic heart will begin to fibrillate. A model can only predict factors that increase the likelihood of such events. Thus, most simulators incorporate other modeling techniques in addition to the basic physiologic and pharmacologic mathematical equations, including finite-state models, instructor initiation of abnormal events, and even manual modulation of modeled parameters. In finite-state models, different underlying clinical states are defined, each of which has appropriate entry conditions, as well as transition conditions to other states. When an entry or transition condition is met, a new state becomes active, which may directly trigger new observable phenomena (e.g., ventricular fibrillation) or may alter constants in the mathematical models that then evolve in time.[4] [5] [6]

The control logic of most simulators is manipulated through an instructor/operator's station (IOS) that allows the instructor to create specific patients, select and implement abnormal events and faults, and monitor the progress of the simulation session. The system may also have a remote-controlled hand-held IOS in addition to the main IOS. The IOS typically provides logs of physiologic changes and the anesthesiologist's response and may provide graphics to support the analysis of a simulation run. Some screen-based simulators provide advice and tutorials linked to the management of simulated events. With mannequin-based simulators, especially for applications in which complete work environments are re-created, it is common to obtain detailed records of the simulation and the actions taken from video and audio recording of the personnel working in the replicated clinical environment.

Modern simulators still do not provide a number of the desired features listed in Table 84-3 . As shown in Table 84-4 , different simulator systems are available. No single system is the best choice for all uses, so the decision about the type of simulator required must be based on the objectives and needs of the application. Moreover, in our experience, the success of a simulator program will not be determined primarily by the type or fidelity of the simulator used, but mostly by the enthusiasm, skill, and creativity of instructors, as well as the time and effort devoted to preparing and performing credible simulation scenarios.[7]

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