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The Automated External Defibrillator (also see Chapter 35 )

The most frequent cardiac rhythm responsible for witnessed cardiac arrest in adults is ventricular fibrillation. CPR prolongs the duration of VF but cannot convert the arrhythmia to an organized rhythm. Successful termination of this arrhythmia requires prompt electrical defibrillation, not medications. The most recent AHA guidelines include early defibrillation with an automated external defibrillator (AED) as part of BLS training and the concept of public-access defibrillation, which endorses the policy of making defibrillation available to victims of cardiac arrest through nonconventional providers (e.g., police, security guards, and others). [8] The AED, when applied to a patient, is capable of analyzing cardiac rhythm and detecting VF. A trained rescuer's role is to apply the defibrillator pads to the patient's chest, activate the AED, and if the device indicates that a defibrillatory shock is indicated, manually deliver the shock through the push of a button when prompted to do so by the AED. A series of up to three shocks will be provided in short succession based on the detected cardiac rhythm. To prevent the potential for incorrect rhythm analysis, chest compressions must be suspended and the patient cannot be moved during this sequence of rhythm analysis and shocks. VF and rapid ventricular tachycardias (VTs) are the only rhythms recognized by the AED. Because supportive measures such as CPR will also be necessary in circumstances in which the AED is applied, AED use must be reserved for rescuers trained in BLS.

The first AED was introduced in 1979.[85] In 1986, the first microprocessor-based AED was introduced; this AED used three successive, nonescalating, 180-J monophasic damped waveform shocks. Advances in defibrillator technology, including conversion from monophasic to biphasic defibrillator waveforms, resulted in smaller, lighter units with more accurate rhythm analysis, which allowed inclusion of defibrillation with the AED as part of

BLS interventions. The same technologic advances in AEDs have been incorporated into manually controlled defibrillators. Impedance-compensated, nonescalating low-energy biphasic waveforms (150 J) were first introduced in 1996 and have been shown to achieve success in terminating VF equivalent to that of traditional, escalating-energy monophasic waveforms (200 to 300 J) in the controlled setting of an electrophysiology laboratory. [86] [87] [88] Biphasic waveforms deliver energy first in one direction and then reversed for the duration of the impulse. Impedance compensation allows the defibrillator to change waveform morphology based on the impedance measured during defibrillation. It is believed that these components allow effective defibrillation at lower energies than with monophasic defibrillators. Experience in the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest environment also demonstrates that his biphasic waveform is at least as effective as escalating monophasic defibrillation waveforms[89] [90] [91] when defibrillation success was defined as termination of VF into an organized rhythm or asystole 5 seconds after shock, regardless of the hemodynamic response.[92] Additional discussion related to cardioversion and defibrillation will be included in the treatment algorithms for specific arrhythmias presented later.

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