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Chapter 35 - Implantable Cardiac Pulse Generators: Pacemakers and Cardioverter-Defibrillators

Marc A. Rozner

Battery operated pacing devices were introduced by CW Lillehei (a cardiothoracic surgeon) and Earl Bakken (an electrical technician) in 1958, just four years after the invention of the transistor. A few years later, Wilson Greatbatch, a cardiologist in Buffalo, NY, created the first implantable battery powered device in his barn.[1] Advances in electronic miniaturization as well as improvements in battery technology have led to the development of very small (10-mL volume), but electronically complicated, programmable pacing devices.

The natural progression of pacemaker developments led to the invention of the implanted cardioverter-defibrillator * (ICD) around 1980 by Michael Mirowski (Baltimore, MD). First approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1985, implantation of these devices required a thoracotomy, a significant operation for the patient with poor heart function. However, four technologic advances (transvenous lead placement,

*The terms antibradycardia and antitachycardia will be used throughout this chapter. Antibradycardia refers to pacing to maintain a minimum rate. Conventional pacemakers are antibradycardia devices. Antitachycardia refers to therapy delivered in the setting of a tachycardia, and it is designed to reduce the underlying heart rate.

antitachycardia * pacing capability, miniaturization permitting pectoral pocket placement, and dual chamber, rate responsive antibradycardia pacing) have led to increases in implantations.

These changes in ICD implantation and indication have two important results for health care providers. First, a pectoral (rather than abdominal) pocket ICD with pacing capability might be mistaken, by virtue of pacing "spikes" on the surface electrocardiogram, for a (non-ICD) pacemaker. At many centers, electrocardiograms are collected from patients with "pacemakers" using a magnet. Since some ICDs from Guidant Medical and Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc. (CPI) can undergo permanent deactivation of antitachycardia therapy with magnet placement, this mistake could leave a patient unprotected.[2] Second, pacing functions in an ICD often respond to external stimuli (magnet placement, electromagnetic interference) differently than a pacemaker. These issues will be addressed in the text below.

The complexity of pacemakers and ICDs, as well as the multitude of programmable parameters, limits the number of generalizations that can be made about the perioperative care of the patient with an implanted pulse generator. Population aging, continued enhancements in implantable technology, and new indications for implantation of cardiac devices will lead to growing numbers of patients with these devices in the new millennium. The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has taken note of these issues, and guidelines (hereafter the ACC Guidelines) have been published regarding the care of the perioperative patient with a device.[3] The ACC is not alone in this endeavor; recently, Pinski and Trohman also reviewed this subject and published similar recommendations.[4] [5] Because ICDs now also perform permanent cardiac pacing, some ICD issues related primarily to pacing will be discussed further on.

Patients with an implanted cardiac pulse generator (PG) often have significant comorbid diseases in addition to their cardiac rhythm disturbances. Our ability to care for these patients requires attention to their medical and psychological problems. We also need an understanding of the pulse generator, its functions, and its probable idiosyncrasies in the operating or procedure room.

Not all electronic generators implanted in the chest are cardiac devices, and devices resembling cardiac pulse generators are being implanted at increasing rates for indications unrelated to cardiac issues. When implanted in the pectoral position (the usual place for current cardiac generators), these devices can be mistakenly identified as cardiac generators.[6] Pulse generator implantation has been approved by the FDA for pain control, thalamic stimulation to control Parkinson's disease, phrenic nerve stimulation to stimulate the diaphragm in paralyzed patients, and vagus nerve stimulation to control epilepsy. When evaluating a patient with any pulse generator, one must now determine whether the PG will be pacing the heart, stimulating the central nervous system, stimulating the spinal cord, or stimulating the vagus nerve. Adding to this confusion, Cyberonics Corporation (Houston, TX) has a patent on a vagus nerve stimulator for heart failure, although, at this time, there have been no clinical trials to evaluate vagus nerve stimulation in the setting of heart failure.

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