Oxygen Delivery Systems
Supplemental oxygen can be delivered by a variety of different
systems that can be divided into variable-performance and fixed-performance systems.
For variable-performance systems the inspired gas is a mixture of the delivered
oxygen diluted with a variable amount of air. The amount of air depends on the patient's
tidal volume and respiratory rate, thus the FIO2
can only be estimated. In fixed-performance systems the FIO2
is reliably known. Oxygen delivery systems can be further divided into low-flow,
reservoir, and high-flow systems.[5]
Low-Flow Systems
Low-flow systems deliver oxygen at flows that are below the patient's
inspired flow. The remaining inspired flow comes from atmospheric air, diluting
the delivered oxygen. Thus these are variable-performance systems. The most commonly
used low-flow system is the nasal cannula, which is a small-bore oxygen supply tube
that is connected to two short prongs that are inserted into the nares of the patient.
The delivered FIO2
at different flows
has been estimated ( Table 75-2
but the actual FIO2
depends on the patient's
minute ventilation. Flows above 6 to 8 L/minute can lead to patient discomfort,
including nasal drying and bleeding.[6]
The Vapotherm
(Vapotherm, Inc., Annapolis, MD) delivers heated and well-humidified oxygen via a
nasal cannula with a slightly larger bore, which allows patients to tolerate flows
as high as 60 L/minute. Currently there are no published data estimating the FIO2
at various levels of high oxygen flow via the Vapotherm system.
Reservoir Systems
The oronasopharynx acts as a natural respiratory reservoir. The
patient's exhaled gas remains within this space and is re-inspired during the next
inhalation, thus contributing to the anatomic dead space. Delivered supplemental
oxygen fills this anatomic reservoir between breaths, slightly increasing the FIO2
with each breath beyond the set flow rate. Reservoir systems extend the anatomic
reservoir, thus further increasing the FIO2
The simple facemask ( Fig.
) is a basic reservoir system. Oxygen is delivered to the facemask
at a determined flow rate. Between breaths, oxygen fills the space within the mask
(the reservoir). The next inspired breath has components from the oxygen source,
oxygen from the reservoir, and air leaking in around the mask. Since the amount
of entrained air is unknown, the simple facemask is a variable-performance system
( Table 75-2
). The flow rate
must exceed 5 L/minute to replace exhaled gas with fresh oxygen. Otherwise, the
mask would add to the patient's dead space and lead to rebreathing of CO2
A partial rebreathing mask ( Fig.
) extends the reservoir further by incorporating a reservoir bag.
The initial exhaled gas enters the reservoir bag, and the remainder of the exhalation
is eliminated out of the mask. This initial exhaled gas comes from the anatomic
dead space and thus contains high O2
and low CO2
. The next
inspired breath comes primarily from the reservoir bag, containing a mixture of supplied
oxygen and the oxygen-rich exhaled gas (which is rebreathed). Partial rebreathing
masks are variable-performance devices and can deliver a higher FIO2
than simple facemasks (see Table 75-2
Nonrebreather masks ( Fig.
) incorporate a series of one-way valves to prevent any exhaled gas
from entering the reservoir bag. The reservoir bag is fully supplied by the delivered
oxygen and contains no CO2
. If there were no leak around the mask, the
entire inhaled breath would come from the reservoir bag, making this a fixed-performance
oxygen delivery system. However, the standard nonrebreather typically has some air
leakage; furthermore, the one-way valve from one of the two exhalation ports is usually
removed to allow emergency air intake in case the oxygen supply fails. Thus, the
standard nonrebreather mask is typically a variable-performance system, but it can
deliver a high fraction of oxygen.
High-Flow Systems
High-flow systems deliver oxygen at flows that exceed the patient's
minute ventilation by three to four times. The "Venturi mask" is an air entrainment
mask that uses a high-flow jet of oxygen. The high oxygen flow produces a shearing
force distal to the jet orifice that entrains air into the mask in a specific ratio.
The size of the jet orifice can be adjusted, yielding a predictable entrainment
of air, and thus the FIO2
can be determined
(fixed-performance). The Venturi mask can reliably deliver FIO2
values of 0.24 to 0.4. The largest jet orifice provides the lowest oxygen velocity
and thus the least air entrainment and highest FIO2
Air entrainment nebulizers are based on the same principle and
can be used to deliver humidified/heated air at a higher FIO2
This system is often used to deliver oxygen to patients with an endotracheal tube
through a T-connection in which one large-bore tube is connected to the air entrainment
nebulizer and the other limb serves as a reservoir tube. As long as flow from the
air entrainment nebulizer is adequate to allow flow from the oxygen source through
the reservoir tube throughout the respiratory cycle the patient does not inspire
room air. A similar setup can be used with patients breathing through a facemask
with large reservoir tubes ("whiskers") attached to the exhalation ports ( Fig.
). High-flow fixed-performance blending systems mix high-pressure
oxygen and air to the desired fraction of delivered oxygen. This mixture is delivered
at high flows (>60 L/minute) ensuring that the FIO2
is essentially equivalent to the delivered fraction of oxygen.