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Nonhalogenated Inhaled Anesthetics

Nitrous Oxide

Since the introduction of general anesthesia, a number of nonhalogenated agents have been used as anesthetics (e.g., diethyl ether, ethylene, cyclopropane), but only nitrous oxide (N2 O) remains in clinical use. This drug is not metabolized in human tissue. However, in a physicochemical reaction of N2 O with vitamin B12 , N2 O is reductively metabolized by rat and human intestinal bacteria to molecular nitrogen (N2 ).[28] [29] N2 O reduction in bacteria may occur through a single electron transfer process that results in the formation of nitrogen gas (N2 ) and free radicals. The reaction between vitamin B12 and N2 O was first reported in 1968, but its clinical relevance was not realized for 10 years.[30] N2 O can oxidize vitamin B12 and inhibit its coenzyme function. For example, this reaction could affect the activity of methionine synthase, which catalyses the transmethylation from methyltetrahydrofolate and homocysteine to produce tetrahydrofolate and methionine. The inhibition of methionine synthase can lead to decreased levels of tetrahydrofolate and methionine and subsequent impairment of DNA synthesis and "carbon 1" metabolic reactions, including methylations. However,
TABLE 8-1 -- Anesthetic properties of xenon compared with other anesthetics

Xenon Nitrous Oxide Isoflurane Desflurane Sevoflurane
Oil-gas partition coefficient  1.9 1.4 90 18.7 53.4
Blood-gas partition coefficient  0.14 0.47  1.4  0.42  0.6
Minimum alveolar concentration(%) 71 ∼105  1.15  6.0  1.71

such an effect on the activity of vitamin B12 probably is inconsequential with the short courses of anesthesia using N2 O.

N2 O can induce hepatic enzyme after prolonged exposure to unspecified concentrations of the drug.[31] Conversely, continuous exposure of rats to 20% N2 O for 14 to 35 days inhibited hepatic drug metabolism and induced pulmonary and testicular metabolism.[32] Exposure of mice to as much as 50% N2 O for 4 hours per day for 14 weeks did not affect hepatic content of cytochrome P450 or the defluorination of enflurane or methoxyflurane.[33] In another study, hexobarbital sleeping time in rats, used as an indicator of drug metabolism, was unchanged after exposure to 50% N2 O for 7 hours per day for 5 days.[34]


The noble gases xenon, krypton, and argon are all chemically inert under most circumstances, and all have anesthetic properties. Xenon is of particular interest because it is the only inert gas that is an anesthetic under normobaric conditions. Xenon was first identified as an anesthetic agent in 1951.[35] Although not approved for clinical use, xenon has been submitted for regulatory medical approval in Europe. Xenon is a normal constituent in atmospheric air at a concentration no greater than 0.086 ppm and, unlike all other inhaled anesthetics, is not an environmental pollutant. The gas cannot be manufactured but is recovered in the process of fractional distillation of liquefied air, and after several separation steps, a purity of more than 99.99% can be obtained. The cost of xenon is about $10.00 (U.S.) per liter (i.e., 100 times more expensive than N2 O), and it may be unlikely to enjoy widespread use due to the expense associated with its extraction from air. If this problem could be overcome, xenon would be the most ideal inhaled anesthetic agent, because xenon (minimum alveolar concentration [MAC] = 71%) is more potent than N2 O, can provide surgical anesthesia in 30% oxygen, is very insoluble (blood-gas partition coefficient = 0.14), and has positive medical and environmental effects ( Table 8-1 ). Xenon exhibits minimal cardiovascular and hemodynamic side effects, is not known to be metabolized in the liver or kidney, is not teratogenic, and does not trigger malignant hyperthermia in susceptible swine.[36] Environmental positives are that xenon does not deplete stratospheric ozone nor contribute to global warming and the greenhouse effect. The unique combination of analgesia, hypnosis, and lack of cardiovascular depression in this one agent makes xenon a very attractive choice for patients with limited cardiovascular reserve. Xenon has a density of 5.887 g/L, whereas N2 O and air have densities of 1.53 g/L and 1.00 g/L, respectively. Because of its greater density, xenon does increase

pulmonary resistance,[37] which increases the work of breathing.[38] Xenon should be used with caution in patients with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the morbidly obese, premature infants, and any other patient for whom an increase in the work of breathing may have adverse effects.

Xenon was first used successfully for general anesthesia in human volunteers and patients in the 1950s,[35] [39] was largely forgotten for 40 years, and rediscovered in 1990.[40] Over the past decade, xenon has been intensely studied in Europe and Japan in a number of clinical trials, with very promising results.[41] [42] [43] Lachmann and colleagues[40] showed that patients anesthetized with 70% xenon and 30% oxygen required 80% less supplemental fentanyl than a similar group anesthetized with 70% N2 O and 30% oxygen. In a comparison of 30 American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) class I and class II patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy and receiving 60% xenon, 60% N2 O with 0.5% isoflurane, or 60% N2 O with 0.7% sevoflurane (all patients had epidurals and received mepivacaine to control heart rate and blood pressure to within 20% of baseline), Goto and coworkers[44] found emergence from xenon anesthesia was two to three times faster than either comparison group. In a randomized, controlled, multicenter trial, a total of 224 patients from six centers received 60% xenon in 40% oxygen or 60% N2 O in 0.5% isoflurane, with 1 µg sufentanil given if indicated by defined criteria.[45] This study demonstrated a significantly faster recovery from xenon anesthesia compared with isoflurane-N2 O anesthesia. It is too early to know whether xenon anesthesia improves clinical outcomes, particularly in high-risk patients, and justifies the additional costs associated with its use in clinical anesthesia.

During xenon anesthesia, nitrogen released from the patient's body accumulates in the anesthesia circuit. Consequently, it is necessary to perform a prolonged denitrogenation before starting xenon to reduce the risk of hypoxia. Another technical challenge lies in the transition from denitrogenation to closed-circuit xenon anesthesia. The anesthesiologist could increase fresh gas flows (too expensive) or add xenon to the circuit as oxygen is consumed by the patient. This second method is too slow because patients typically consume only 200 to 250 mL of oxygen per minute. Several investigators use a second anesthesia machine already primed with 4 L of xenon. Xenon must be given using a rebreathing system, low fresh gas flow, or a closed-circuit system. A closed-circuit system is the most economical technique for the clinical use of xenon. In the study by Goto and coworkers[44] from Japan, the estimated costs of providing anesthesia per patient were $170.00 for xenon ($17.00/L), $57.00 for isoflurane, and $60.00 for sevoflurane. These differences in cost would be different in the United States (xenon = $10.00/L) and would become progressively smaller with longer duration of anesthesia because the rate of xenon consumption declines exponentially as body tissues become saturated in a closed rebreathing system. The total yearly production of xenon is approximately 6 million liters or enough for about 400,000 anesthetic procedures. If delivery systems become available that allow for recycling of anesthetic gases, xenon anesthesia may become more economical and available for selected patients who may benefit from its lack of adverse systemic effects.

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