Atmosphere Control
Careful control of the chamber's atmosphere is essential to provide
a safe environment for the patient and tender. The major components of atmosphere
quality control are O2
, CO2
, and trace gases.
In a multiplace chamber it is essential that the patient breathe
as high a concentration of O2
as possible (usually 98% or greater) and
that the O2
concentration within the chamber be maintained close to 21%
to minimize the fire hazard. In some hyperbaric units, the head tent O2
concentration is routinely monitored. In others, the concentration is assumed to
be high because of a high rate of O2
flow through the head tent. Leakage
of O2
from head tents, masks, and ventilators will tend to raise the atmospheric
concentration. Typically, an upper limit of around 23% is used as
a criterion for ventilating the chamber with air or 100% nitrogen until the O2
concentration decreases. Monoplace chambers are continuously ventilated at 85 to
240 L/min, a rate that will usually keep the O2
concentration close to
control, particularly within a head tent, is important
because significant elevations in the inspired CO2
concentration will
potentiate O2
toxicity, as noted earlier. Some hyperbaric physicians
believe that a small amount of CO2
in the inspired gas may be beneficial
to vasodilate ischemic tissue and increase O2
delivery, although no data
are available to recommend one approach over the other. A typical standard for the
upper limit of head tent CO2
is 1% "surface-equivalent" CO2
equal to a partial pressure of 7.6 mm Hg. Chamber CO2
is usually limited
to around 0.5% surface equivalent (ambient PCO2
≅4 mm Hg), although in nonsaturation dives it is very unlikely that CO2
would approach this value except in a very small chamber. With the use of a nonscrubbing
(open circuit) system, head tent O2
flow rates of 40 to 60 L/min (measured
at chamber pressure) are usually adequate to keep CO2
levels at an appropriately
low level.
Trace gases that may enter the environment include CO and hydrocarbons
from improperly functioning compressors or from automobile exhaust that may be near
the compressor air intake. Volatile gases such as alcohol vapor from skin disinfectant
solutions and mercury vapor from spillage of sphygmomanometer columns may also pollute
the atmosphere. Trace gases become extremely important in hyperbaric chambers because
of the increase in partial pressure that occurs with increasing ambient pressure.
For example, a CO concentration of 50 ppm, though acceptable at 1 ATA, will be equivalent
to 300 ppm at 6 ATA, a level that is clearly unacceptable. Compressed air from the
chamber banks should be periodically submitted for analysis of trace gases. Nonvolatile
skin preparation solutions such as benzalkonium or iodine compounds will not pollute
the chamber's atmosphere. It is recommended that mercury in any form be excluded
from hyperbaric chambers. At least one chamber in the United States had to be decommissioned
because of pervasive mercury vapor contamination from spillage. Acute mercury poisoning
has also occurred in occupants of a hyperbaric chamber when mercury from a broken
thermometer fell on the floor and remained undetected.
Considerations of battery use may have implications for chamber
atmosphere control, as well as fire hazards. All batteries release small quantities
of hydrogen, though not usually in amounts that would be hazardous. As mentioned
previously, lithium-sulfur dioxide batteries carry a theoretical risk of sulfur dioxide
discharge. Similarly, there is an objection to the use of mercury cells. Release
of inert gas taken up by the battery during the dive might theoretically result in
leakage of mercury into the atmosphere. This risk must be weighed against the potential
benefits (e.g., of using mercury cell-powered temporary pacemakers). Alkaline cells
are considered safe, although temporary failure has been observed at extremely high
ambient pressure (40 to 60 ATA). The only battery that has been specifically tested
at increased ambient pressure is the Gates lead acid, gelled electrolyte battery,
which is rated by the manufacturer up to 8 ATA.[189]
After pressure compensation with mineral oil, such batteries may in fact operate
satisfactorily to an ambient pressure of 680 ATA.