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Developmental Pharmacology

The response of infants and children (and particularly neonates) to medications is modified by many factors: body composition, protein binding, body temperature, distribution of cardiac output, functional maturity of the heart, maturation of the blood-brain barrier, the relative size (as well as functional maturity) of the liver and kidneys, and the presence or absence of congenital malformations.[23] [25] [26] [27] [28] [35] [36] [37] [38]

The body compartments (fat, muscle, water) change with age ( Fig. 60-5 ). Total-body water content is significantly

Figure 60-5 Body composition changes rapidly in premature and term infants during the first 12 months of life. Their high water content provides a large volume of distribution for water-soluble medications, whereas their low fat and muscle content provides a small reservoir for drugs that depend on redistribution into these tissues for termination of drug effects. Thus, body composition may significantly affect pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. (Data from Friis-Hansen B: Body composition during growth. In vivo measurements and biochemical data correlated to differential anatomical growth. Pediatrics 47:169–181, 1971.)

higher in premature than term infants and in term infants than 2-year-olds.[1] Fat and muscle content increases with age. These alterations in body composition have several clinical implications for neonates: (1) a drug that is water soluble has a larger volume of distribution and usually requires a larger initial dose to achieve the desired blood level (e.g., most antibiotics, succinylcholine); (2) because neonates have less fat, a drug that depends on redistribution into fat for termination of its action will have a longer clinical effect (e.g., thiopental); and (3) a drug that redistributes into muscle may have a longer clinical effect (e.g., fentanyl, for which, however, saturation of muscle tissue has not been demonstrated).

In addition to these very basic concepts, other important factors play a role in a neonate's response to medications: (1) delayed excretion because of the larger volume of distribution, (2) immature hepatic and renal function, and (3) altered drug excretion caused by lower protein binding. Further perturbations in drug pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics occur with extreme prematurity and with factors such as sepsis, congestive heart failure, increased intra-abdominal pressure, controlled ventilation, and poor nutritional status.[25] [26] [27] [28] [35] [36] All these factors lead to clinically important neonatal patient-to-patient variability in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

Older children tend to have mature renal and hepatic function, normal adult values for protein, and fat and muscle content approaching adult values. A greater proportion of cardiac output is diverted to the liver and kidneys—which also weigh more in relation to body mass—in older children than in infants. These factors usually mean that most medications have a shorter half-life in children older than 2 years than in adults. As the child approaches adulthood, the half-life of many drugs lengthens. In general, most medications will have a prolonged elimination half-life in premature and term infants, a shortened half-life in children older than 2 years up to

the early teen years, and a lengthening of half-life in those approaching adulthood. [36]

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