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Newer approaches are being investigated to reduce pathophysiologic consequences of CO2 pneumoperitoneum.


Inert Gases

Insufflation of inert gas (e.g., helium, argon) instead of CO2 avoids the increase in PaCO2 from absorption. [243] [244] Consequently, hyperventilation is not required,[33] [35] [245] [246] although the ventilatory consequences of the increased IAP persist. The hemodynamic changes produced by pneumoperitoneum using inert gas are similar to those observed with CO2 . However, the use of these gases accentuates the decrease in cardiac output, whereas the increase in arterial pressure is attenuated.[35] [246] [247] Peritoneal insufflation of CO2 , even in the absence of hypercapnia, apparently stimulates the cardiovascular system and subsequently partially corrects the hemodynamic repercussions due to increased IAP.[72] Unfortunately, the low blood solubility of the inert gases raises the issue of safety in the event of gas embolism.[248] [249]

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