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Gasless Laparoscopy

Another alternative is gasless laparoscopy. The peritoneal cavity is expanded using abdominal wall lift obtained with a fan retractor. This technique avoids the hemodynamic and respiratory repercussions of increased IAP and the consequences of the use of CO2 .[250] [251] [252] [253] [254] Renal and splanchnic perfusion is not altered.[126] [255] Postoperative pain, nausea, and vomiting are reduced after cholecystectomy,[250] although not after gynecologic laparoscopy.[256] [257] Port-site metastases after laparoscopic surgery for cancer are also reduced after gasless laparoscopy.[258] [259] This technique therefore is appealing for patients with severe cardiac or pulmonary disease. However, gasless laparoscopy compromises surgical exposure and increases technical difficulty.[252] [258] [259] Combining abdominal wall lifting with low pressure CO2 pneumoperitoneum (5 mm Hg) may improve surgical conditions.

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