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Recognition of a foreign alloantigen after organ transplantation triggers an immune response in the host. An immediate goal of immunosuppressive therapy is to prevent the rejection of grafts from genetically nonidentical donors. Various immunosuppressive drugs have been developed to diminish the immunologic attack on grafts and target T-cell activation, which triggers the predominant form of acute rejection. Individual immunosuppressants inhibit different steps in T-cell activation, which is a very complex process that can be divided into two stages: a sensitization phase and an effector stage. The first stage of T-cell activation involves interaction between antigen-presenting cells of the graft and host T cells, CD3. The second stage involves participation of costimulatory receptors such as B7, CD28, and CD40, which also activate the T-cell response, and subsequent secretion of cytokines by activated T cells. An interaction of intracellular adhesion molecules and cytokines (e.g., interleukin-2, interferon-γ, and tumor necrosis factor-β) activates the transcription cascade, which further amplifies T-cell activation through DNA synthesis and T-cell proliferation and therefore plays a central role in graft rejection. Graft rejection reactions have various time courses: hyperactive rejection occurs within the first 24 hours after transplantation, acute rejection reactions usually begin in the first few weeks after transplantation, and chronic rejection can occur months to years after transplantation.[421] [422]

Immunosuppressive drugs are used for the prevention or treatment of acute and chronic rejection of a transplanted organ. The growing success of organ transplantation is closely linked to the evolution of immunosuppressive therapy over the last decades. The first immunosuppressive drug, azathioprine, was introduced in 1962 and increased the possibilities for successful human transplants while earning a Nobel Prize for innovative pharmacologic progress. In the last 20 years, important medical breakthroughs such as tissue typing and the introduction of calcineurin inhibitor-based immunosuppression have dramatically improved the survival rate of transplant recipients. In 1983, the "calcineurin inhibitors era" was ushered in after the discovery of cyclosporine (1979).

Transplantation of extrarenal organs became routine, with excellent outcomes for liver, pancreas, heart, and even lung transplants.[423] Immunosuppressive therapy is increasingly being tailored to the specific organs transplanted and their individual risk factors. For example, patients who are presensitized or receive a blood group-incompatible organ are from an immunologic point of view considered to be high-risk patients. They are likely to require more potent, aggressive immunosuppressive therapy than needed for other transplant patients.[424] However, frequently, the type of immunosuppressive drug (e.g., calcineurin inhibitors) or increased doses of immunosuppressive drugs are linked to increased end-organ toxicity such as neurotoxicity or nephrotoxicity. Therefore, in patients with delayed renal graft function after transplantation, initial omission of calcineurin inhibitors is crucial to avoid further renal damage. Immunosuppressive drugs are frequently combined to take advantage of additive or synergistic immunosuppressive interaction and limit drug-specific toxicity ( Table 56-7 ).[425] Therapy has to be maintained lifelong, although isolated cases without graft loss after complete withdrawal of all immunosuppressive drugs have been reported. A typical regimen consists of different phases, starting with the induction phase, therapy during hospitalization, the maintenance phase, and if necessary, antirejection treatment. Each phase may consist of different drugs or doses and is constantly adjusted as dictated by the medical condition of the patient. The major limitation of current immunosuppressive drugs is that no currently available therapy is entirely effective in preventing rejection.[424] Furthermore, the use of multiple immunosuppressive drugs predisposes
TABLE 56-7 -- Immunosuppressive drugs used in solid organ transplantation and their side effects
Mechanism of Action Side Effects
Inhibition of T-Cell Interaction
Prednisolone As with all steroids: osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, infections
Orthoclone (OKT3) Fever, lymphoproliferative disease, pulmonary edema, anaphylactic reaction, neoplasia
15-Deoxyspergualin Bone marrow suppression, gastrointestinal syndromes, paresthesia
Inhibition of Adhesion Molecules
Rabbit/horse antithymocyte globulin Fever, nausea, anaphylactic reaction, higher incidence of cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus infection
Antilymphocyte globulin Fever
Enlimomab Fever, hypertension, chills, nausea, vomiting
OKT4A Unknown
Inhibition of Cytokine Synthesis
Cyclosporine Nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hirsutism, tremor, gingival hyperplasia
Tacrolimus (FK506) Nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia
Sirolimus (rapamycin) Hyperlipidemia, myelosuppression, infections
SDZ-RAD (everolimus) Hyperlipidemia, myelosuppression, infections
Inolimomab Headache, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia
Basiliximab No major adverse effects
Daclizumab No major adverse effects
Inhibition of DNA Synthesis
Azathioprine Myelosuppression, hepatotoxicity, development of malignancy
Mycophenolate mofetil Leukopenia, gastrointestinal syndromes

patients to a host of infectious and malignant complications. Long-term survival of patients after solid organ transplantation has improved with adequate immunosuppressive therapy. However, modification of the immune system has also increased the risk of malignancy, especially types of malignancy involving viruses.[426] For example, azathioprine has been associated with a significant increase in skin cancer, as has prolonged cyclosporine administration with Kaposi's sarcoma. Malignancy is now responsible for substantial morbidity and mortality in this patient population.

With many available immunosuppressant combinations (cyclosporine + sirolimus, cyclosporine + mycophenolate mofetil, tacrolimus + sirolimus, tacrolimus + mycophenolate mofetil, cyclosporine + everolimus), acute rejection rates are acceptable, and the focus of interest in transplantation has significantly shifted and expanded toward tolerability and long-term graft and patient survival. The goals of therapy for new immunosuppressants drugs should include: (1) prevention of the immune response (i.e., acute/chronic rejection and vascular remodeling); (2) prevention of the complications of immunodeficiency, such as opportunistic infections and malignancies; and (3) minimization of drug-induced toxicity.

Because the therapeutic range of most immunosuppressive drugs is narrow, perioperative monitoring of drug levels is important. Several immunosuppressives (e.g., cyclosporine, tacrolimus, and sirolimus) are substrates or modulators (or both) of cytochrome P4503A and P-glycoprotein.[427] [428] P-glycoprotein is a member of the ABC (adenosine triphosphate [ATP]-binding cassette) transport protein family. It is found in various tissues,

including the blood-brain barrier, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, adrenal cortex, and several more. One of the functions of P-glycoprotein is the energy-dependent transport of drug acquired from the cytoplasm or plasma membrane into the extracellular space.[429] Several other drug classes (e.g., antifungals, calcium channel blockers, HIV protease inhibitors) administered to transplant patients are also substrates or modulators (or both) of cytochrome P4503A and P-glycoprotein. These drugs themselves may interact with drugs commonly administered during the perioperative period.[430] [431]

Although interactions between immunosuppressive and anesthetic drugs are likely to occur, few studies have examined in a prospective randomized fashion the impact of immunosuppressive drugs on selected anesthetics. In animal studies, cyclosporine was shown to alter barbiturate, fentanyl, and isoflurane requirements. [432] [433] [434] [435] [436] However, the clinical relevance of these interactions remains to be investigated. Similarly, cyclosporine appears to enhance the effects of neuromuscular blockade as demonstrated in several animal studies and case reports.[437] [438] [439] [440] [441] Despite the lack of adequate trials in humans, it appears to be reasonable to anticipate reduced requirements of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants in patients taking cyclosporine. Azathioprine, in contrast, produced a small and transient antagonism to nondepolarizing muscle blockade in patients with renal failure that was considered clinically insignificant.[442] An animal study also demonstrated no effect of azathioprine on atracurium requirements. [443]

The complexity of the immunosuppressive regimen in conjunction with adjunct therapies makes clinically relevant drug-drug interactions likely. A detailed preoperative review of the patient's medication should focus on possible side effects, drug-drug interactions, and potential implications for the anesthetic plan.[444]

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