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Mitral Regurgitation

The incidence of mitral regurgitation (MR) in the population reflects its underlying causes. MR can occur either acutely or chronically and is a relatively common indication for cardiac surgical intervention. The latter usually involves either mitral valve replacement or mitral valve repair. The underlying cause of MR has a significant influence on the decision to replace or repair the valve; for example, MR associated with idiopathic calcification is unlikely to be amenable to repair, whereas that associated with prolapse frequently is.

MR is best assessed not only in the context of the mitral valve per se but also in the context of the "mitral apparatus" as a whole. The mitral apparatus includes (1) the mitral annulus, (2) the valve leaflets, (3) the chordae tendineae, and (4) the papillary muscles. Abnormalities and dysfunction of any of these structures can cause MR. MR has many causes ( Table 50-5 ), but acute MR is most often caused by infective endocarditis, ruptured chordae tendineae, and coronary artery disease with acute global left ventricular dysfunction. Chronic MR is most frequently caused by rheumatic disease, degenerative disease (mitral valve prolapse syndrome, Marfan's syndrome), or dilatation of the mitral valve annulus and left ventricular cavity. The mitral valve prolapse syndrome with degenerative disease of the mitral valve involving myxomatous infiltration and fibroelastic deficiency has many names, including Barlow's syndrome, billowing of the mitral leaflet, mitral valve prolapse, floppy mitral valve, and flail leaflet. This syndrome was first described in the 1960s by Reid.[147] [148] Their clinical observation of an apical mid-to-late systolic click occurs frequently and has been described in up to 5% of the population. However, the clinical consequences of degenerative disease of the mitral valve represent a spectrum, with many patients being asymptomatic ( Fig. 50-24 ). Application of more rigorous echocardiographic criteria indicates that clinically relevant problems occur in up to 2.4% of the population. It is more frequent in females (2:1 female-to-male ratio) and does not, as once suggested, have an autosomal dominant inheritance.[149] Though usually confined to the mitral valve, myxomatous degeneration can also involve the aortic, pulmonary, and tricuspid valves, especially in patients with Marfan's syndrome.

The degree of MR is directly related to orifice size and the pressure gradient between the left ventricle and left atrium. Importantly, both these variables are dynamic and can be manipulated and thus modulate the magnitude of regurgitation. Increasing preload (because it increases left ventricular size), increasing afterload, and decreasing contractility (leading to increased left ventricular size) all tend to accentuate MR, whereas the opposite changes in these parameters tend to attenuate regurgitation.
TABLE 50-5 -- Causes of mitral regurgitation
Acute *
Mitral Annulus Disorders
  Infective endocarditis (abscess formation)
  Trauma (valvular heart surgery)
  Paravalvular leak
Mitral Leaflet Disorders
  Infective endocarditis (perforation or interfering with valve closure by vegetation)
  Trauma (tear during percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy or penetrating chest injury)
  Tumors (atrial myxoma)
  Myxomatous degeneration
  Systemic lupus erythematosus (Libman-Sacks lesion)
Rupture of Chordae Tendineae
  Myxomatous degeneration (mitral valve prolapse, Marfan's syndrome)
  Infective endocarditis
  Acute rheumatic fever
  Trauma (percutaneous balloon valvotomy, blunt chest trauma)
Papillary Muscle Disorders
  Coronary artery disease (causing dysfunction and rarely rupture)
  Acute global left ventricular dysfunction
  Infiltrative diseases (amyloidosis, sarcoidosis)
Primary Mitral Valve Prosthetic Disorders
  Porcine cusp perforation (or degeneration)
  Mechanical failure (strut fracture)
  Immobilized disk or ball of the mechanical prosthesis
  Rheumatic heart disease
  Systemic lupus erythematosus
  Myxomatous degeneration of mitral valve leaflets
  Marfan's syndrome
  Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  Infective endocarditis affecting normal, abnormal, or prosthetic mitral valve
  Ruptured papillary muscle or chordae tendineae (spontaneous or secondary to myocardial ischemia)
  Rupture or dysfunction of papillary muscle (ischemia or myocardial infarction)
  Dilatation of mitral valve annulus and left ventricular cavity
  Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  Paravalvular prosthetic leak
  Mitral valve clefts or fenestrations
  Parachute mitral valve abnormality
*Modified from Jutzy KR, Al-Zaibag M: Acute mitral and aortic valve regurgitation. In Al-Zaibag M, Duran CMG (eds): Valvular Heart Disease. New York, Marcel Dekker, 1994, pp 345–382.
Modified from Haffajee CI: Chronic mitral regurgitation. In Dalen JE, Alpert JS (eds): Valvular Heart Disease, 2nd ed. Boston, Little, Brown, 1987, p 112.


Figure 50-24 Left, The dynamic spectrum, time in years, and progression of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) are shown. A subtle gradation (crosshatched area) exists between normal mitral valves and valves with mild MVP but without mitral regurgitation (no MR). Progression from the level MVP-no MR to another level may or may not occur. Most patients with MVP syndrome occupy the area above the dotted line, whereas those with progressive mitral valve dysfunction occupy the area below the dotted line. Right, The large circle represents the total number of patients with MVP. Patients with MVP may be symptomatic or asymptomatic. Symptoms may be directly related to mitral valve dysfunction (gray circle) or to autonomic dysfunction (red circle). Certain patients with symptoms directly related to mitral valve dysfunction may present with and continue to have symptoms secondary to autonomic dysfunction. (Redrawn from Boudoulas H, Wooley CF: Mitral Valve Prolapse and the Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome. Mt Kisco, NY, Futura Publishing, 1988.)

Conversely, MR is exacerbated in patients with mitral valve prolapse syndrome when left ventricular size is decreased or when left ventricular shape is altered. The altered relationship between left ventricular size and annular size facilitates flailing of redundant leaflet tissue.[150] The left atrium has a profound influence on hemodynamics and symptoms in patients with MR. In acute MR, the left atrium has not undergone the adaptive changes that can occur with chronic MR. Acute MR in the setting of a noncompliant left atrium causes acute elevations in left atrial and pulmonary vascular pressure, along with symptoms of pulmonary congestion, which in their extreme form are manifested as acute pulmonary edema. Less acute and usually less severe regurgitation causes changes in the compliance characteristics of the left atrium. If left atrial compliance is normal or decreased, the increased pulmonary vascular pressures result in secondary pulmonary vascular changes and right ventricular hypertrophy. Increased compliance of the left atrium is associated with massive left atrial dilatation, atrial fibrillation, and only modest pulmonary vascular changes. In many patients the picture is mixed.

Assessment of ventricular function is an important and challenging component of the perioperative evaluation of these patients. Ejection phase indices, such as ejection fraction and fractional fiber shortening, are poor indices of contractility because they are inversely related to after-load and, in patients with MR, the left ventricle ejects into the left atrium, as well as into the aorta. Indeed, normal ejection phase indices (e.g., ejection fraction greater than 60%) in patients with MR may reflect impaired myocardial function. Certainly, ejection fractions of 40% to 60% and those less than 40% are associated with moderately impaired and severely impaired ventricular function, respectively, when observed in the presence of MR. As a corollary, it has been clearly demonstrated that survival after mitral valve replacement for MR is decreased in patients with ejection fractions less than 60%. [151] Because left ventricular function is an important determinant of outcome in patients with MR, non-ejection indices of function, such as left ventricular end-systolic pressure-volume relationships, have been used to assess function in the setting of MR.[152] [153] Patients with normal end-systolic volumes (less than 40 mL/m2 ) exhibit good preservation of function postoperatively, whereas those with enlargement (end-systolic volume greater than 80 mL/m2 ) have increased perioperative mortality and poor postoperative function. An end-systolic volume of 55 mL/m2 has been used to segregate patients with high and low perioperative morbidity and mortality. [154] The importance of afterload in assessing function is further illustrated by the fact that for any given end-systolic volume, patients with MR have more severe dysfunction than do those with aortic regurgitation.

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