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Impact of the Anesthetic Circuit

The anesthetic circuit may limit the rate of recovery, just as it limits induction. If the patient is not disconnected from the circuit on cessation of anesthetic delivery, the patient may continue to inspire anesthetic. To reduce the inspired level to zero or almost zero, several factors must be taken into account. The anesthetic within the circuit must be washed out. The rubber or plastic components of the circuit and the soda lime within the circuit have absorbed anesthetic (see Table 5-3 ) that can be released back into the gas phase,[66] and this anesthetic also must be washed out. The patient's exhaled air contains anesthetic that cannot be rebreathed if the inspired anesthetic concentration is to approach zero. The effect of each of these factors to raise the inspired anesthetic concentration can be overcome by the use of high inflow rates of oxygen (≥5 L/min).

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