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Anesthetic Loss to Plastic and Soda Lime

Uptake of anesthetic by several depots also may hinder the development of an adequate inspired anesthetic concentration. The rubber or plastic components of the circuit may remove agent,[66] [67] and this was a significant problem with the obsolete anesthetic methoxyflurane, which has a high solubility in rubber and plastic ( Table 5-3 ). A minor problem exists for halothane and isoflurane, and no problem results from the solution of nitrous oxide, desflurane, or sevoflurane.[68]

Normal (moist) carbon dioxide absorbents containing 13% to 15% water can slightly increase the sevoflurane and, to a lesser extent, halothane requirements by

Figure 5-15 The rate at which the inspired anesthetic concentration (FINS) rises toward the inflowing concentration (FINF) is determined by the inflow rate and circuit volume. In the case illustrated, the circuit volume is 7 L. (Adapted from Eger EI II: Effect of anesthetic circuit on alveolar rate of rise. In Eger EI II [ed]: Anesthetic Uptake and Action. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1974, pp 192–205.)


TABLE 5-3 -- Rubber-gas and plastic-gas partition coefficients
Anesthetic Polyethylene (Circuit Tube) Rubber (Bag) Polyvinyl Chloride (Endotracheal Tube)
Nitrous oxide   1.2
Desflurane  16  19  35
Sevoflurane  31  29  68
Isoflurane  58  49 114
Enflurane  74
Halothane 128 190 233
Methoxyflurane 118 742
Data from references [66] [67] [68] [100] and [101] .

degrading each of these anesthetics.[69] Degradation results in the removal of hydrogen fluoride and the production of unsaturated compounds. Nitrous oxide, desflurane, and isoflurane are not materially degraded. For sevoflurane and halothane, degradation is of concern because the unsaturated compounds produced are toxic (e.g., compound A from sevoflurane is nephrotoxic if given for prolonged periods).[70] [71]

In contrast to normal (moist) carbon dioxide absorbents, desiccated absorbents materially degrade all potent inhaled anesthetics.[72] Degradation of sevoflurane materially increases anesthetic requirement.[73] Dehydration of Baralyme increases compound A production from sevoflurane, but dehydration of soda lime does the opposite.[73] Desiccated absorbents degrade all anesthetics containing the CHF2 -O- moiety (i.e., desflurane, enflurane, and isoflurane) to carbon monoxide,[72] but degradation by soda lime is minimal at hydrations approximately one tenth of those found in normal soda lime (i.e., it only takes a little water to minimize degradation).

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