Severe hypothermia may be induced deliberately to confer protection
against tissue ischemia, specifically during cardiac surgery and occasionally during
neurosurgery. Drugs such as barbiturates and volatile anesthetics provide considerably
less protection than even mild hypothermia does.[99]
Because many organs compensate poorly for hypothermia, temperatures as low as those
deliberately induced are usually lethal when unintentional. Deliberate hypothermia
is safe only because anesthesiologists understand and treat the physiologic changes
caused by core temperatures 10°C to 15°C below normal.
Although deep hypothermia (i.e., 28°C) has been used to facilitate
cardiopulmonary bypass for decades, recent evidence suggests that hypothermia is
either unhelpful or simply harmful. For example, hypothermia may be associated with
prolonged ventricular dysfunction[188]
and does
not limit cognitive impairment after bypass.[189]
Furthermore, normothermia appears to improve major outcomes after bypass surgery.
Consequently, cardiac surgery is increasingly
performed at either "tepid" temperatures (i.e., 33°C) or normothermia.
Organ Function
Ischemia damages tissues because oxygen deprivation forces cells
to obtain energy anaerobically. Because this mechanism is inefficient, it may not
provide adequate energy. Anaerobic metabolism also produces more toxic metabolic
waste products (e.g., lactate and superoxide radicals) than the Krebs cycle does,
which is particularly serious when these waste products are not removed by circulating
Hypothermia decreases the whole-body metabolic rate by approximately
8%/°C to approximately half the normal rate at 28°C. Whole-body oxygen demand
diminishes, and oxygen consumption in tissues that have higher than normal metabolic
rates, such as the brain, is especially reduced. Low metabolic rates allow aerobic
metabolism to continue during periods of compromised oxygen supply; toxic waste production
declines in proportion to the metabolic rate. Although a decreased metabolic rate
certainly contributes to the observed protection against tissue ischemia, other specific
actions of hypothermia (including "membrane stabilization" and decreased release
of toxic metabolites and excitatory amino acids) may be most important.
Cerebral blood flow also decreases in proportion to the metabolic
rate during hypothermia because of an autoregulatory increase in cerebrovascular
resistance. The arteriovenous PO2
thus remains constant, and the venous lactate concentration does not increase. Cerebral
function is well maintained until core temperatures reach around 33°C, but consciousness
is lost at temperatures below 28°C. Primitive reflexes such as the gag, pupillary
constriction, and monosynaptic spinal reflexes remain intact until approximately
25°C. Nerve conduction decreases, but peripheral muscle tone increases, and
rigidity and myoclonus ensue at temperatures near 26°C. Somatosensory and audio
evoked potentials are temperature dependent, but not significantly modified at core
temperatures of 33°C or higher.
Hypothermic effects on the heart include a decrease in the heart
rate, increased contractility, and well-maintained stroke volume.[191]
Cardiac output and blood pressure both decrease. At temperatures below 28°C,
sinoatrial pacing becomes erratic and ventricular irritability increases. Fibrillation
usually occurs between 25°C and 30°C, and electrical defibrillation is generally
ineffective at these temperatures. Because coronary artery blood flow decreases
in proportion to cardiac work, hypothermia per se does not cause myocardial ischemia.
However, even mild hypothermia decreases tissue damage in response to experimental
cardiac ischemia.[93]
Hypothermia decreases blood flow to the kidneys by increasing
renal vascular resistance. Inhibition of tubular absorption maintains normal urinary
volume. As temperature decreases, reabsorption of sodium and potassium is progressively
inhibited, and an antidiuretic hormone-mediated "cold diuresis" results. Despite
increased excretion of these ions, plasma electrolyte concentrations usually remain
normal. Kidney function returns to normal when patients are rewarmed. Respiratory
strength is diminished at core temperatures less than 33°C, but the ventilatory
response is minimally affected. Hepatic blood flow and function also
decrease, which significantly inhibits the metabolism of some drugs.