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In principle, any superficially located peripheral motor nerve may be stimulated. In clinical anesthesia, the ulnar nerve is the most popular site; the median, the posterior tibial, common peroneal, and facial nerves are also sometimes used. For stimulation of the ulnar nerve, the electrodes are best applied at the volar side of the wrist ( Fig. 39-9 ). The distal electrode should be placed about 1 cm proximal to the point at which the proximal flexion crease of the wrist crosses the radial side of the tendon to the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. The proximal electrode preferably should be placed 2 to 5 cm proximal to the

Figure 39-9 Evaluation of neuromuscular blockade by feeling the response of the thumb to stimulation of the ulnar nerve. (Courtesy of Organon Ltd., Dublin, Ireland.)

distal electrode. With this placement of the electrodes, electrical stimulation normally elicits only finger flexion and thumb adduction. If the one electrode is placed over the ulnar groove at the elbow, thumb adduction is often pronounced because of stimulation of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. When this latter placement of electrodes (sometimes preferred in small children) is used, the active negative electrode should be at the wrist to ensure a maximal response. Polarity of the electrodes is less crucial when both electrodes are close to each other at the volar side of the wrist; however, placement of the negative electrode distally normally elicits the greatest neuromuscular response.[34] When the temporal branch of the facial nerve is stimulated, the negative electrode should be placed over the nerve, and the positive electrode should be placed somewhere else over the forehead.

Because different muscle groups have different sensitivities to neuromuscular blocking agents, results obtained for one muscle cannot be extrapolated automatically to other muscles. The diaphragm is among the most resistant of all muscles to both depolarizing[35] and nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs.[36] In general, the diaphragm requires 1.4 to 2.0 times as much muscle relaxant as the adductor pollicis muscle for an identicald egree of blockade ( Fig. 39-10 ).[36] Also of clinical significance are the facts that onset time is normally shorter for the diaphragm than for the adductor pollicis muscle and that the diaphragm recovers from paralysis more quickly than do the peripheral muscles ( Fig. 39-11 ).[37] The other respiratory

Figure 39-10 Mean cumulative dose-response curve for pancuronium in two muscles shows that the diaphragm requires approximately twice as much pancuronium as does the adductor pollicis muscle for the same amount of neuromuscular blockade. The depression in muscle response to the first stimulus in TOF nerve stimulation (probit scale) was plotted against dose (log scale). Force of contraction of the adductor pollicis was measured on a force-displacement transducer; response of the diaphragm was measured electromyographically. (From Donati F, Antzaka C, Bevan DR: Potency of pancuronium at the diaphragm and the adductor pollicis muscle in humans. Anesthesiology 65:1, 1986.)


Figure 39-11 Evolution of twitch height (mean ± SD) of the diaphragm (closed circles) and of the adductor pollicis muscle (open circles) in 10 anesthetized patients after administration of atracurium 0.6 mg/kg. (From Pansard J-L, Chauvin M, Lebrault C, et al: Effect of an intubating dose of succinylcholine and atracurium on the diaphragm and the adductor pollicis muscle in humans. Anesthesiology 67:326, 1987.)

muscles are less resistant than the diaphragm, as are the larynx and the corrugater supercilii muscles.[38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] Most sensitive are the abdominal muscles, the orbicularis oculi muscle, the peripheral muscles of the limbs, and the geniohyoid, masseter, and upper airway muscles.[44] [45] [46] [47] [48] From a practical clinical point of view, it is worth noting that (1) the corrugator supercilii response to facial nerve stimulation reflects the extent of neuromuscular blockade of the laryngeal adductor muscles (and the diaphragm?) better than does the response of the adductor pollicis to ulnar nerve stimulation[38] [39] and (2) the upper airway muscles seem to be more sensitive than peripheral muscles.[45] [46] Although three investigations using acceleromyography have indicated small differences in the response to TOF nerve stimulation in the arm (adductor pollicis muscle) and the leg (flexor hallucis brevis muscle), these differences are probably of little clinical significance.[49] [50] [51] [52]

The precise source of these differences is unknown. Possible causes may be differences in acetylcholine receptor density, acetylcholine release, acetylcholinesterase activity, fiber composition, innervation ratio (number of neuromuscular junctions), blood flow, and muscle temperature.

In assessing neuromuscular function, the use of a relatively sensitive muscle such as the adductor pollicis of the hand has both disadvantages and advantages. Obviously, during surgery it is a disadvantage that even total elimination of the response to single-twitch and TOF stimulation does not exclude the possibility of movement of the diaphragm, such as hiccupping and coughing. PTC stimulation, however, allows for evaluation of the very intense blockade necessary to ensure total paralysis of the diaphragm. On the positive side, the risk of overdosing the patient decreases if the response of a relatively sensitive muscle is used as a guide to the administration of muscle relaxants during surgery. Also, during recovery, when the adductor pollicis has recovered sufficiently, it can be assumed that no residual neuromuscular blockade exists in the diaphragm or in other resistant muscles.

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