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Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials

BAEPs are produced in the diagnostic laboratory by delivering repetitive clicks or tones through headphones. Headphones are not practical for surgical monitoring of neurosurgical procedures, and click stimuli are delivered using foam ear inserts attached to stimulus transducers. Stimulus intensity is usually set at 60 to 70 dB above the patient's click-hearing threshold, although practically, many intraoperative laboratories establish monitoring after induction of anesthesia and instead begin with a stimulus intensity of 90 dB nHL. The duration of the click is approximately 100 µsec, and the stimulus is given usually between 10 and 15 times per second. Clicks are delivered using different polarities; the click may cause initial movement of the tympanic membrane away from the transducer (i.e., rarefaction) or toward the transducer (i.e., condensation). Use of these two different methods commonly produces very different waveforms, amplitudes, and latencies in individual patients, and the method is chosen that produces the largest reproducible response. If stimulus artifact is a serious problem, clicks of alternating polarity may be used to decrease stimulus artifact, but the waveforms produced are an average of those produced by either stimulating technique alone and may be more difficult to monitor. The rate and intensity of stimulus delivery affect the BAEP.[57] [105] Unilateral stimulation is used because responses from the other ear, which may remain normal during surgery, may obscure any abnormal responses from the monitored ear. Recording electrodes (usually gold cup electrodes) are placed on the lobe of the stimulated ear and on the top (vertex) of the head. [105] White noise is delivered to the contralateral ear to prevent bone conduction from stimulation of the monitored ear from producing an evoked response from the contralateral ear. Five hundred to 2000 repetitions are required on average, because BAEPs recorded from the scalp are far-field potentials and extremely small (often less than 0.3 µV).[57] [105]

Peaks in recordings of BAEP are labeled I through VII, and the purported neural generators for these peaks are shown in Figure 38-11 . As with other SERs, amplitude, absolute latencies, and interpeak latencies are evaluated to assess integrity of the auditory system, localize the functional defect when it occurs, and assess peripheral and central conduction times. Because waves VI and VII are inconsistent and variable, they are not routinely monitored, [105] and most papers reporting use of BAEP for surgical monitoring in the operating room monitor waves only up to wave V.[106] [107] [108]

Surgical Procedures Monitored with Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials

BAEPs have been monitored intraoperatively during procedures involving or near the auditory pathway and during posterior fossa procedures when global brainstem function might be compromised. Cases in which BAEPs are commonly monitored include microvascular decompression of cranial nerves (especially V and VII), resection of acoustic neuroma, posterior fossa exploration for vascular or neoplastic lesions, clipping of basilar artery aneurysms, and sectioning of cranial nerve VIII for intractable tinnitus.[77] [106] [107]

Several of these procedures deserve special mention because monitoring appears to have significantly improved surgical results based on reported series (not controlled, randomized studies, however). During microvascular decompression of the facial nerve in patients with hemifacial spasm, hearing loss has been reported in up to 15% of cases, and this incidence can be greatly decreased with BAEP monitoring. [109] [110] During this procedure, the cerebellum must be retracted to gain


Figure 38-11 Schematic of auditory neural pathway. The brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) is initiated by stimulation of the cochlea with a broadband click stimulus given through an ear insert in the external auditory canal. Neural generators of the BAEP peaks are shown.

exposure to the nerve root entry zone of the facial nerve. An insulating sponge is placed between the nerve root and an aberrant artery or, rarely, a vein that compresses and pulsates against the facial nerve root. Hearing loss may occur because the cerebellar retraction needed for operative exposure stretches cranial nerve VIII between its attachments at the brainstem and the internal auditory meatus. Hearing loss after the more common microvascular decompression of the trigeminal nerve for trigeminal neuralgia, although less common, has also been reduced with BAEP monitoring.[111] [112] [113] [114] BAEP monitoring has been used during resection of small acoustic neuromas that have not yet caused severe, irreversible hearing loss.[113] [115] [116] [117] [118] This monitoring has helped surgeons determine the safety of tumor removal and has helped preserve hearing, particularly in younger patients in whom preservation of longer-term hearing may be more important. Changes in the BAEP can alert the surgeon that further resection of tumor will permanently damage hearing. The surgeon can then decide whether it is better to leave a small amount of residual tumor or to sacrifice hearing and achieve curative resection.

The most common BAEP change observed during monitoring of these operations is an increase in I-V interpeak latency and loss of amplitude of wave V. Other intraoperative BAEP changes include permanent or transient obliteration or severe distortion of waveforms distal to the operative site and, rarely, obliteration of BAEP contralateral to the operative side.[79] [80] [106] [107] The most common BAEP change is usually caused by intraoperative stretch of cranial nerve VIII because of cerebellar retraction. Such changes may be reversed with repositioning or removal of the retractor. More significant changes may be caused by deliberate or unintentional sectioning of cranial nerve VIII, loss of blood supply to the nerve, brainstem compression or compromise to its blood supply, operative manipulation of cranial nerve VIII, severe cerebellar edema, and positioning of the head for retromastoid craniotomy[79] [106] [107] [119] ( Table 38-8 ). Technical and physiologic factors that may significantly alter the BAEP include drilling around the internal auditory canal (i.e., interferes with stimulus delivery), irrigation of cranial nerve VIII with cold saline, and hypotension and hypocarbia.

Patients with transient or persistent mild increases in latency or decreases in amplitude can be expected to have unchanged or only slightly worsened hearing postoperatively. Patients with complete but reversible loss of BAEP also have unchanged or mild worsening of hearing postoperatively. Patients with complete irreversible loss of BAEP have complete or near-complete loss of hearing in the ipsilateral ear postoperatively unless the change was caused by a technical problem or a neuropraxic type injury.[77] [79] [80] [107]
TABLE 38-8 -- Correlation between brainstem auditory evoked potential changes and associated clinical events
Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential Change Associated Events
Transient latency increase, amplitude decrease Drilling, irrigation, retraction, surgical irritation, hypocarbia and hypotension, positioning
Persistent latency increase, amplitude decrease Retraction and stretching of the auditory nerve
Transient loss of evoked potential Retraction, pressure, surgical dissection
Permanent loss of ipsilateral evoked potential Surgical interruption of auditory pathway or interruption of cochlear blood supply
Loss of contralateral evoked potential Cerebellar edema, damage to the brainstem or its blood supply

One series had a single false-positive result with a complete loss of BAEP with intact hearing postoperatively.[79] False-negative results are rare. In one series, BAEPs were monitored in a patient undergoing resection of a meningioma in the lateral ventricle and were unchanged intraoperatively and postoperatively; however, this patient did not regain consciousness postoperatively. [80] This case illustrates the fact that BAEP monitoring assesses only the health of the auditory pathway and involved structures. Function of the ascending reticular system and cortical functions are not monitored directly by the BAEP.

BAEPs are considered the easiest of the SERs to monitor intraoperatively and are least sensitive to changes in perioperative variables. Ability to record technically adequate BAEP has been reported in 90% to 100% of cases in which monitoring was attempted.[77] [79] [106] [107] Unlike SSEPs, BAEPs are resistant to the effects of inhalation and intravenous anesthetics. Although latency and amplitude are altered, especially by inhalation anesthetics, the degree of change is small enough that changes in latency and amplitude associated with anesthetic agents used in clinically relevant doses would not be confused with significant surgically induced changes. Preservation of BAEP intraoperatively indicates preserved hearing postoperatively, and persistent changes indicate significant risk of injury.

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