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Biochemical Markers of Renal Function

The kidney contains many different cell types, and the primary roles are glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption and secretion, and concentration of metabolites. Although complex, the kidney may be able to respond to

Figure 37-8 Correlation between the 2-hour creatinine clearance (CC02) and the 22-hour creatinine clearance (CC22). (Adapted from Sladen RN, Endo E, Harrison T: Two-hour versus 22-hour creatinine clearance in critically ill patients. Anesthesiology 67:1013, 1987.)

disease in only a limited number of ways at the cellular level. Noninvasive tests have been developed that reflect the morphologic, functional, and biochemical regional specialization.

NAG is a widely used urinary enzyme assay for the assessment of renal disease and the detection of nephrotoxicity. Unlike a number of unstable enzymes excreted into the urine, NAG remains suitable for clinical diagnosis of renal disease. Increased NAG activity detected in urine is a sensitive test for renal tubular damage. [140] Its molecular mass precludes filtration by the glomerulus, and it is neither absorbed nor secreted by the tubules. It is also the most active glycosidase found in the proximal tubule lysosomes. Any increase in urinary concentration of NAG may be considered a marker for tubular damage. The value of NAG as a diagnostic test is further enhanced by its presence in a number of isoenzyme forms. The relative amount of each isoenzyme varies at different stages of renal disease.

A number of analytical methods are available for the determination of urinary NAG, including fluorometric, colorimetric, spectrophotometric, and dipstick tests. Each of these methods is tedious and is associated with limitations that prevent widespread clinical adaptation. Low levels of NAG are excreted by normal individuals, and assay procedures must be sensitive enough to overcome the endogenous inhibitor urea.[141] Another factor to overcome is variation from urine collection that occurs over time. Factoring the enzyme activity with creatinine concentration over the same urine flow collection period is a reasonable approach for this problem.[142] In general, the sensitivity and reproducibility of the fluorometric method, when it is performed correctly, is excellent, but the equipment necessary is not commonly available in laboratories.

The colorimetric technique overcomes the limitations of the fluorometric technique by the incorporation of a calibrant for easy interlaboratory comparison and access in most clinical chemistry laboratories, with modification for use with spectrophotometric analysis.[143] The latest development is a dipstick method for detection of NAG in the urine.[144] The NAG strip incorporates a biochemical derivative that releases a blue-violet color on hydrolysis, and the test requires up to 30 minutes after the addition of reagents. However, problems can arise if the sample is contaminated with blood or bilirubin. Besides pigmented material in urine, a concentrated urine specimen that is high in urea also renders the test inaccurate.

Perhaps the most interesting discovery regarding urinary NAG for detection of renal disease is that there appears to be isoenzyme specificity for various types of pathology.[145] NAG is the most active lysosomal hydrolase and is normally found in tissues as two major forms: A and B. These major forms differ in their subunit composition. Traditionally, the main clinical interest in these isoenzymes had been their use in the detection of two autosomal recessive disorders, Tay-Sachs disease and Sandhoff disease. In 1970, Price and coworkers[146] reported that the B form increased in a urinary pattern of NAG after surgical trauma. Since that time, it has been appreciated that the relative amount of the B form increased (i.e., the ratio of A to B forms decreased) compared with urine in the normal population. Automated methods for separation of NAG isoenzymes allow the pattern of excretion to be compared in various disease states ( Table 37-6 ). Of interest to the anesthesiologist is that evidence suggests that after major surgery, the percentage of an intermediate form (I) increases in the urine.[147] Smaller increases in the I form were also observed in rejection of renal transplants. Rejection was more strongly associated with a decrease in the A/B ratio in a cohort of renal transplant patients. No change in the isoenzyme profile was found in stable transplant patients, whereas reversible rejection was characterized by an increase in the I form and a decrease in the relative amount of the A form present. When a patient did not respond to treatment, the I and the B forms were elevated, but levels of the A form decreased.[148]

Different nephrotoxic drugs or conditions appear to produce characteristic urinary isoenzyme profiles. For example, the B and I forms are elevated after administration of aminoglycosides. Total urinary and serum NAG activity also has been reported to increase in diabetic patients. Overall, NAG activity in the urine reflects the activity of the disease or severity of the damage. Serial monitoring is therefore most useful because trending is the most appropriate method to interpret the results. The NAG-to-creatinine ratio is a more sensitive and specific marker for renal tubular dysfunction. It is useful to express NAG as a ratio of urinary creatinine to minimize dilutional or concentration effects. The lack of sensitive, simple, inexpensive, and efficient methods is the limiting factor for widespread clinical use of NAG monitoring. Another urinary enzyme, clusterin, may prove to be more specific than NAG[149] for evaluating nephrotoxicity caused by aminoglycoside use while remaining equally sensitive.

Several other urinary constituents have been identified to detect cytotoxic and abnormal processes in specific regions of the kidney ( Table 37-7 ). α-Glutathione S-transferase is found principally in the proximal convoluted tubules, and π-glutathione S-transferase is found principally in the distal convoluted tubule. β2 -Microglobulin is a subunit of the class I antigen of the
TABLE 37-6 -- Variation of urinary N-Acetyl-β-D-Glucosaminidase

Concentration of Isoenzyme Form
Condition A I B
Severe renal damage
Major surgery
Reversible renal transplant rejection
Nonreversible renal transplant rejection
Aminoglycoside administration
↑, increased; ↓, decreased; —, no change.
From Campbell JAH, Conigall AV, Guy A, et al: Immunohistologic localization of alpha, mu, and pi class glutathione S-transferases in human tissue. Cancer 67:1608–1613, 1991.


TABLE 37-7 -- Urinary constituents used to measure renal function
Glomerular permeability and selectivity Albumin


Aspartate aminotransferase

Immunoglobulin G
Tubular protein uptake β2 -Microglobulin

Retinol binding protein

Proximal tubular brush border Alanine aminopeptidase

γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase
Proximal tubule N-Acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase

α-Glutathione S-transferase
Thick ascending limb Tamm-Horsfall protein
Distal tubule π-Glutathione S-transferase
From Baines AD: Strategies and criteria for developing new urinalysis tests. Kidney Int Suppl 47:S137–S141, 1994.

major histocompatibility complex and is structurally homologous to immunoglobulins. [150] Its mass is 11,600 daltons, it is freely filtered from plasma by the renal glomerulus, and more than 99.9% is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. β2 -Microglobulin is measured by radioimmunoassay and immunodiffusion techniques.[151] Its secretion in urine is a sensitive indicator of tubular damage or disease. Limitations to its use include its unstable nature in urine of pH 5.5 or below, thereby precluding its use for patients with concomitant urinary tract infection or pyuria. Its degradation by proteolysis is affected by temperature, and its measurement requires a sophisticated laboratory that precludes widespread clinical use. α1 -Microglobulin is filtered at the glomerulus and is 95% reabsorbed at the proximal tubule, thereby indicating proximal tubular dysfunction when present in the urine.[152] [153] [154] Alanine aminopeptidase excretion has been identified as a specific marker for proximal tubular brush border dysfunction, as has γ-glutamyl transpeptidase excretion. Plasma and urinary cytokines, such as interleukin-8, interleukin-10, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist, and tissue necrosis factor soluble receptor-2, have been shown to correlate with proximal tubular dysfunction.[152] In general, enhanced excretion of biochemical markers, tubular enzymes, or antigens may be the consequence of an exfoliated damaged tubular cell, an increased turnover of tubular cells, or some other metabolic disturbance. The biologic variability of the sensitive analytes in response to physiologic stress is large compared with anticipated changes observed in early disease. The signals of early, irreversible disease may not always be distinguished from the noise of biologic variability, and use of these markers should be applied with appropriate caution.

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