Classic techniques for assessment of respiratory drive have measured
ventilatory output (i.e., minute ventilation [V̇E])
as a function of varying levels of elevated PaCO2
(i.e., hypercapnic ventilatory response) or decreased levels of PaO2
(i.e., hypoxic ventilatory response). However, these techniques are difficult to
implement in clinical situations. Nevertheless, assessment of the respiratory drive
is particularly important in clinical evaluation of the effects of anesthetic agents
on the respiratory system and particularly in the process of weaning patients from
mechanical ventilation. Of the various causes of respiratory failure, including
pulmonary mechanical abnormalities and impairment of respiratory gas exchange, depressed
ventilatory drive is probably the most common cause of failure to wean after general
Partitioning the respiratory waveform into inspiratory and expiratory
components can provide further information. Mean inspiratory flow (i.e., tidal volume/inspiratory
time) is an index of respiratory drive.[191]
it is possible for a patient to have a high respiratory drive but not be able to
translate that drive into respiratory output because of impaired ventilatory mechanics.
A low ventilation rate is conventionally considered to be a reasonable
indicator of respiratory depression caused by anesthetic agents, particularly narcotics.
Although parenteral narcotics usually slow the ventilation rate, several investigators
have demonstrated in patients and normal volunteers that narcotic-induced ventilatory
depression can manifest as a reduction in tidal volume, with little change in respiratory
clinical series, one patient with a PaCO2
of 95 mm Hg had a respiratory rate of 12 breaths/min.[195]
The published evidence indicates that apnea is not reliably predicted by bradypnea,
and severe respiratory depression can exist in patients with acceptable respiratory
A more sophisticated measure of respiratory drive is the maximum
negative inspiratory airway pressure obtained 100 msec after a temporary occlusion
of the airway (P100
or P0.1
) in a spontaneously breathing patient.
Periodic transient airway occlusion that occurs in this way is not appreciably noticed
by the patient. Chemosensitivity, determined in volunteers by CO2
is not significantly affected by intermittent (every 30 seconds) P100
The normal value for P100
during resting ventilation is 1 to 2 cm H2
O. P100
is a useful
index of respiratory drive, requiring no voluntary effort on the part of the subject
and being minimally affected by changes in respiratory mechanics. The technique
is well described by Milic-Emili and associates.[197]
Under anesthesia, P100
is depressed,[198]
but the effect of anesthesia depends highly on PaCO2
such that P100
at high PaCO2
values is increased, even under anesthesia. In acute respiratory failure due to
other causes, P100
is generally elevated. Herrera and colleagues[199]
and Sassoon and coworkers[200]
observed values of
above 6 cm H2
O and 4.2 cm H2
O, respectively,
during T-tube trials to be correlated to lack of success in weaning. Using similar
threshold values, P100
can be used as a guide to the discontinuation of
mechanical ventilation after general anesthesia.[201]
Montgomery and associates[202]
found a similar
relationship but reported a better prediction of weaning successes using the P100
response after breathing of 3% CO2
H). The mean P100
ratio was 2.04 in seven successful weaning attempts and 1.17 in seven failures.