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Errors in Capnography

Because water vapor is often the major source of error, several "water trap" devices or heated suction tubes are used to deliver moisture-free gas to the reading cell. The effect of gas temperature can be calculated. Assume body temperature is 37°C and PaCO2 = PETCO2 = 40 mm Hg. If the sampling tube and detector are maintained at a temperature above 37°C, there will be no condensation or "rain out" of water, and the measured PCO2 will be 40 mm Hg. However, if the expired gas is allowed to cool to room temperature (e.g., 20°C), water will condense in the tubing, and the new water vapor pressure (PH2 O) will decrease to the saturated PH2 O at room temperature (typically 20 mm Hg). If a drying agent is used in the sample line, PH2 O will drop to zero. In either case, the measured PCO2 will increase slightly.

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