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The major function of the lung is gas exchange: the addition of O2 to blood and the elimination of CO2 from blood. Because of the close relationship between the partial pressure of CO2 in blood (PCO2 ) and arterial (and hence tissue) pH, the goal is maintenance of arterial CO2 within an appropriate physiologic range. Adequate O2 delivery must also be maintained. Figure 36-1 shows the O2 cascade from atmospheric gas to the intracellular site of use. Assessment of the adequacy of this delivery system may be made at any step of the cascade. For example, common clinical practice dictates that arterial O2 content (PaO2 ) should be sufficient. It is common practice to attempt to maintain arterial hemoglobin (Hb) O2 saturation (SaO2 ) level above 90%, a reasonable and practical goal for two reasons. First, clinical experience supports the notion that maintenance of hemoglobin at 90% saturation with O2 in the presence of adequate cardiac output can provide sufficient O2 delivery to the tissues. Second, because the Hb-O2 dissociation curve becomes abruptly steeper at O2 saturation levels below 90% (typical PO2 of 55 to 60 mm Hg), further decreases in PaO2 may result in sharp diminution of arterial O2 content.


In addition to SaO2 , O2 delivery is a function of blood flow and hemoglobin concentration. A target value for SaO2 of 90% or greater should therefore not become a sacrosanct standard for all conditions. Acute altitude hypoxia with SaO2 values between 50% and 70% is well tolerated by normal individuals,[5] [6] even during exercise, for periods of several hours or days, with no loss of consciousness, preservation of cardiac function, and minimal or no evidence of permanent sequelae.[7] [8] [9] [10] [11] Individuals with acute anemia may tolerate hypoxia less well because of the enhanced reduction in arterial O2 content.

Alveolar Gases

The lung consists of a heterogeneous collection of gas exchange units (alveoli), with a range of O2 and CO2 gas tensions. It is therefore erroneous to speak of "the" alveolar PO2 or PCO2 . However, the concept of a homogeneous lung, in which all alveoli have the same gas tensions, is a useful one. The alveolar partial pressures calculated by using such a model may be thought of as averages for the O2 and CO2 partial pressures in the real (nonhomogeneous) lung. Equations for alveolar PO2 and PCO2 (PAO2 and PACO2 ), or alveolar gas equations, are as follows:

In these equations, V̇CO2 is the CO2 production rate, V̇O2 is the O2 consumption rate, V̇A is the alveolar ventilation rate, k is a constant, FIO2 is the fractional inspired O2 concentration, PIO2 is the inspired PO2 after humidification or (Pbarometric − PH2O ) · FIO2 , and R is the respiratory exchange ratio or V̇CO2 /V̇O2 (typically about 0.8).

An approximation to the O2 alveolar gas equation follows:

PAO2 PIO2 − 1.2 × PCO2 (3)

Unlike the alveolar equation for O2 , the equation for PACO2 is a function of only two variables. Because in clinical medicine V̇CO2 is relatively constant, PACO2 is therefore mainly a function of alveolar ventilation V̇A, to which it is inversely proportional.

A = V̇E − V̇D (4)

In Equation 4, V̇E is the respiratory minute ventilation, and V̇D is dead space ventilation. Because alveolar ventilation is usually a constant fraction of minute ventilation, the following relationship applies:

A = k' · V̇E (5)

The alveolar gas equation for CO2 may be rewritten as follows:

In this form of the equation, c is a constant derived from constants k and k'.

This approximation may not hold if CO2 production is substantially elevated, such as during a major motor seizure, shivering, or fever. CO2 production may decrease as a result of general anesthesia or hypothermia. It is altered by approximately 7% for each 1°C change in body temperature. In young individuals, it has been observed to increase by 100% to 300% during violent shivering,[12] although in elderly patients (>60 years), the observed increase is only about 38%.[13]

The alveolar gas equation for O2 (Equation 2) can be used to delineate the factors that result in low PAO2 . Several major factors apply:

  1. Low PIO2 caused by decreased barometric pressure (altitude) or breathing a gas mixture with inspired O2 fraction (FIO2 ) less than 0.21
  2. Elevated PACO2 caused by hypoventilation or increased CO2 production
  3. Reduced respiratory exchange ratio (R), which is usually a minor effect because the physiologic range of R is on the order of 0.7 to 1.2, with the latter value seen during acute metabolic acidosis or excessive feeding.

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