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Chapter 36 - Respiratory Monitoring

Richard E. Moon
Enrico M. Camporesi

A monitor has been variously defined as "something that reminds or gives warning"[1] and "an instrument used to measure continuously or at intervals a condition that must be kept within prescribed limits."[2] Although the former definition is applicable to self-contained instruments (e.g., pulse oximeters), we have used the wider view incorporated in the latter definition, including, for example, intermittent measurements and the relevant respiratory physiology as applied to assessment of patient well-being.

Although outcome data are sparse, there is general agreement that patient safety has been enhanced by the development of technologies that permit accurate physiologic monitoring; basic studies to elucidate the causes of mishaps, including incident monitoring; educational efforts by national patient safety organizations such as the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation and the Australian Patient Safety Foundation; and the promulgation of monitoring standards that have become widely accepted. Eichhorn and colleagues[3] outlined minimal recommended standards for patient monitoring during anesthesia at hospitals within the Harvard Medical School system, commonly referred to as the Harvard Standards.

In addition to monitors of cardiovascular function and patient temperature, these investigators suggested that mandatory respiratory monitors include methods of continuous monitoring of the patient's ventilation (including a breathing system disconnection monitor) and a monitor of oxygen (O2 ) concentration within the patient's breathing system. A strong recommendation was made for monitoring end-tidal carbon dioxide (CO2 ) concentrations. Since then, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) has also promulgated basic monitoring standards.[4] Included in the ASA Standards ( are a requirement for measurement of inspired O2 concentration and quantitative assessment of blood oxygenation, such as pulse oximetry. Adequate illumination and exposure of the patient are necessary to assess color. Adequacy of ventilation must be continually evaluated, and quantitative monitoring of CO2 or volume of expired gas, or both, is strongly encouraged. When an endotracheal tube is inserted, correct placement of the tube must be verified by clinical assessment and by identification of CO2 in the expired gas. Continual end-tidal CO2 analysis using a quantitative method such as capnography should be performed from the time of endotracheal tube placement until extubation or initiation of transport to a postoperative care location. During mechanical ventilation, a device capable of detecting airway disconnects must be in continuous use. Continual is defined as repeated regularly and frequently in steady, rapid succession; continuous is defined as prolonged without any interruption at any time.

The limited ability of human organ systems to function anaerobically dictates a transport system that can maintain

Figure 36-1 Oxygen transport cascade. A schematic view of the steps in oxygen transport from the atmosphere to the site of utilization in the mitochondrion is shown here. Approximate PO2 values are shown for each step in the cascade, and factors determining those partial pressures are shown within the square brackets. There is a distribution of tissue PO2 values depending on local capillary blood flow, tissue oxygen consumption, and diffusion distances. Mitochondrial PO2 values are depicted as a range because reported levels vary widely. (Adapted from Nunn JF: Nunn's Applied Respiratory Physiology, 4th ed. Boston, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993.)

O2 delivery to peripheral tissues. The monitoring of one component of this system, the cardiovascular system, is discussed in Chapter 32 . This chapter discusses the other component, the respiratory system, and the appropriate monitoring necessary to detect malfunction in its gas exchange function.

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