Figure 48-1 The relationship between whole blood volume (mL) lost (abscissa) and red blood cell (RBC) volume lost (ordinate) in a 100-kg patient undergoing hemodilution. RBC volume lost with 2800 mL whole blood lost intraoperatively after hemodilution of 1500 mL whole blood (○-○). RBC volume lost with 2800 mL whole blood lost during hemodilution at each of three 500 mL volumes (—). Cumulative RBC volume lost intraoperatively, derived for 2800 mL whole blood lost if hemodilution had not been performed (- - -). A net of 215 mL reduction in RBC volume lost with hemodilution is illustrated by the divergence of the two curves. (From Goodnough LT, Grishaber JE, Monk TG, et al: Acute normovolemic hemodilution in patients undergoing radical suprapubic prostatectomy: A case study analysis. Anesth Analg 78:932–937, 1994, with permission.)

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