Figure 37-9 Diagram demonstrating the complex vascular and tubular organization of the kidney. The pattern of glomeruli (G) arising from afferent arterioles (AA) is demonstrated in the left-hand portion of the figure. Proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) are perfused by a peritubular capillary network derived from efferent vessels (EV). Loops of Henle are grouped with collecting ducts (CD). Only thin limbs of Henle extend with collecting ducts to the papillary tip. These are accompanied by vasa recta extending from the cores of the vascular bundles. C, cortex; OM, outer medulla; IM, inner medulla. (From Beeuwkes R, Bonventre JV: Tubular organization and vascular tubular relations in the dog kidney. Am J Physiol 229:695–713, 1975.)

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