Figure 4-7 A, Effects of halothane (Hal), enflurane (Enf), and the convulsant hexafluorodiethyl ether [flurothyl] (HFE) on current responses evoked by γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) (3 × 10−6 M) application to dissociated central nervous system neurons of the rat. Responses are normalized to the peak current induced by 3 × 10−6 M GABA alone. B, The GABA concentration-response curve is shifted to the left by halothane and to the right by HFE. Peak response was normalized to that evoked by 3 × 10−6 M GABA (asterisk). (Adapted from Wakamori M, Ikemoto Y, Akaike N: Effects of two volatile anesthetics on the excitatory and inhibitory amino acid responses in dissociated CNS neurons of the rat. J Neurophysiol 66:2014, 1991.)

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