Figure 32-40 Height of the v wave as an indicator of the severity of mitral regurgitation. Left atrial pressure-volume curves describe the three factors that determine the height of the v wave. A, Influence of left atrial volume. For the same regurgitant volume (x), the left atrial v wave will be taller if baseline atrial volume is greater (point B versus point A). B, Influence of left atrial compliance. For the same regurgitant volume (x), the left atrial v wave will be taller if baseline atrial compliance is reduced (point B versus point A). C, Influence of regurgitant volume. Beginning at the same baseline left atrial volume (points A and B), if regurgitant volume increases (X versus x), the left atrial pressure v wave will increase (V versus v). (Redrawn from Mark JB: Atlas of Cardiovascular Monitoring. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1998, Fig. 17-13.)

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