Figure 32-8 Interaction between damping coefficient (D) and natural frequency (fn ) in pressure waveform recordings. A, An underdamped pressure waveform (fn = 10 Hz, D = 0.1) displays small artifactual waves and systolic pressure overshoot. B, A small increase in D (0.2) diminishes these artifacts. C, Critical damping (D = 0.4) provides an accurate pressure waveform, even though fn remains low. D, Overdamping results in loss of fine detail and precludes determination of fn or D. E, Increased fn (20 Hz) allows a low D (0.1) to have minimal impact on waveform morphology. Notice the similarities between waveforms C and E. (Redrawn from Mark JB: Atlas of Cardiovascular Monitoring. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1998, Fig. 9-7.)

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